Lower leaves are yellowing (young plants)


New Member
Hello, I'm pretty new at this, I'm growing sour diesel in coco. I've been using the recipe for success nutes, and watering roughly every 3 days when the soil is completely dry. Lately I've noticed that my lower leaves are yellowing and the upper leaves look great what can this possibly mean? I always keep the ph in the 5.8- 6.5 range.



Well-Known Member
Did you prep the coco before using? Foliar spray a ca solution of 2 % and the next day with a 2% mg solution. Ramp up the ca and mg levels in watering.


New Member
I did not prep the soil, but I do feed small amounts of calmag for every watering. Should I maybe give it a full dose of calmag when It gets plain water?


New Member
That was a stupid question as I just checked what foliar spray was lol. Should I spray a calmag solution and see what happens?