Lower leaves dying, turning yellow and brown. too young for nutes WTF!! Help!!


Hey everybody, thanks for checking this out. I have two cheese plants that are both 19 days old. A few days ago the weaker of the two plants started showing brown spots on the lower leaves that I noticed from looking under the leaves. The spots soon became visibile on the tops of the leaves, then the whole leaves started to yellow. Now as I said this was the weaker of the two plants so I wasn't too worried, and to tell you the truth while this was happening the plant did infact keep growing. It ended up killing the bottom leaves but the plant pushed through, no big deal. But then right as that one healed up, the stronger plant started showing the same symptoms on its lower leaves! Now I don'6t want this to kill my plant, and I reallllyyy didn't want to be set back like this. The plants I feel like are two young for nutes yet and the conditions never really changed so I don't know what the fuck is going on, any help would be soooo appreciated, any questions, ask em. Thank you so much, Jah bless.

The last picture is of the First plant that got affected and the end result of it



Active Member
Those aren't too young for nutes, feed em. But still thats not your problem. I don't thin whatever lights ur using are getting too those leaves.


hmm. That could be that case. I'm using an air cooled 150w hps. Another thing I thought about was it maybe having something to do with when I transplanted? I'm not sure, thanks for your input.


i use nutes after week one could be from ur water and soil mixing on leaves when u water mabey? i was told not to splash the soil up on leaves.


Active Member
Hey, this looks exactly like the problem I've been fighting for 2 or so weeks...
check this thread https://www.rollitup.org/marijuana-plant-problems/340916-tried-many-things-need-get.html and there are links off to 2 other threads in the first post....you might want to check them out...

I think what you really need to do is be sure that everything in your system is at the correct levels.

First, I do not think it is lack of light, very unlikely, a 150w hps is way more than enough for that little plant, unless it is like 5 feet away.
I don't really think it is a deficiency due to no nutes....but it could be a deficiency related to some kind of lockout.
can you test the ph of your runoff from watering, and also let us know what kind of soil you are using.
I think the first thing you should do is try to make sure your ph is between 6.5 and 7 (runoff) and make sure you aren't using some kind of hot soil (happy frog, ocean forest, some kind of miracle grow).
If all that is good, then I think you should start some light nutes.

Honestly, it does look like a cal mag (just like my problem did), but I wouldn't go down that road just yet...I jumped into it and it only made my problems worse.

So get back to us with some ph and soil info and that will help others help you.

also if you were to add nutes, what nutes do you have on hand?


Well-Known Member
Here's another possibility....underwatering. I really doubt that the soil is depleted of nutes, especially if you just transplanted, so I'm betting that it's not getting watered that often, which leaves the soil dry around the edges of the pot, and all the roots that are in those dry areas, aren't able to draw in nutes. Give it a nice heavy watering, and watch to see if it goes through a growth spurt. If it does, and the new growth is nice and healthy, that's likely you're problem.

People are WAY too afraid of overwatering, IMO, and I see problems stemming from it, all the time.


Active Member
the leaves are not wilting at all, and the necrosis and yellowing are not a sign of early under watering, especially not something you would see BEFORE wilting


Well-Known Member
i have 2 little ''pure og'' plants that did the same exact thing,but way smaller than yours,so i cut the tips off the infected part of the leaves,so it wouldnt spread,than gave them some nutes,and that shit was gone...anyway,i think mine was from a fly shiting on my fan leaves,and getting the new mg soil on them.....hope this helps dog........happy growin.


Well-Known Member
the leaves are not wilting at all, and the necrosis and yellowing are not a sign of early under watering, especially not something you would see BEFORE wilting

That's not what I was getting at, not at all. Yes, there can be plenty of moisture in the center mass to keep the plant hydrated, while the outer 'new' roots are left in dry soil, unable to draw nutes. It's similiar to trying to survive by feeding through a straw. Yeah, you'd survive, but you wouldn't grow strong and healthy. :wink:


Well I think everyone pretty much nailed it on the head. To be honest my ph could be jsut about anything. The ph in my tap water is really high so I went and bought some gallons of water, tested their ph and they were pretty low. what I had been doing in substitute of just going and buying ph up or down (lazy, I know) I was just mixing my tap water with the bottled water. Thus the ph isn't ever really consistent, plus I mean I'm testing with an aquarium testing solution at the moment.

The soil I'm using is a mix of peat moss, perlite, and some cocoa thrown in there because I was running low on peat. I mixed it myself. I use General Organics Grow for veg. Yes, I am afraid of over-watering so the soil is pretty dry for just transplanting. And finally, Yes there is some soil splashed up on the leaves. Everything everyone suggested is probably all casuing the problem so I'm going to go ahead and fix all of them!

Thanks for everyones help, I'll update in a few weeks on how their doing once all the kinks are worked out!


Well-Known Member
I see signs of both ph imbalance and magnesium def. (lights getting too them, funny steph) Some dolomite lime and epsoms salts should help.


I added a small amount of dolomite lime to my soiless mix. any suggestions on adding more now that its been potted?


Well-Known Member
You can topdress with it. About a tablespoon per gal of medium. Scratch it into the top inch or so. And the epsom can be use at a 1/4 tsp per quart/liter of water and used as a foilar spray. Phing your water is also important try to get it a bit below 7.


yeah yeah I know, I need to go buy some ph stuff, a tester and some up/down. I'll try the adding the dolomite if all the other stuff I tried doesn't work


Well-Known Member
Looks like you have a diseased plant, I doubt its this but here is a good example : Phytophthora google and check the pictures.
