Lower leaves going yellow.


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone,

My plants are healthy but the lower leaves are starting to go yellow.

Should I add more food? Or just add calmag? Im not sure what to do..
I see that happen to leaves that just arn't performing. Heavily shaded leaves yellow up as the plant cannibalises them then they drop off.
Please add one more picture... a pic of the entire plant.
There's the top of it.
EC between 1.4-1.9 ph 5.8-6.8
I'll take a full body shot later 20200504_093158.jpg


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Yes you would need to up the amount of N, to the same amount of Phosphorus your using.

What fertilizer are you feeding?? What is the NPK?? How much Magnesium are you feeding?

I myself dont use cal/mag as the fertilizer I use derives its Calcium from Calcium Nitrate, ( 15.5-0-0 )and then I add Epsom Salts/Magnesium Sulfate for my Magnesium, and Sulfur.
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Yes you would need to up the amount of N, to the same amount of Phosphorus your using.

What fertilizer are you feeding?? What is the NPK?? How much Magnesium are you feeding?

I myself dont use cal/mag as the fertilizer I use derives its Calcium from Calcium Nitrate, ( 15.5-0-0 )and then I add Epsom Salts/Magnesium Sulfate for my Magnesium, and Sulfur.

I make my own chemical ferts.

What makes you say up the N? If you see the leaves some are going yellow by the petiole?? What do you think that can be??? Its unusual for it to go yellow there. Other leaves are going dark brown and burning and curling up....if it was burn, it would burn the edges not the insides of the leaves??

I dont use calmag in my feed atall, I have "designed" it to have enough already. But I do have it on hand. Mag nit and Cal nit with Iron EDTA.

It could possibly be buildup issue.
What is it your using as Calcium/Magnesium source. The copper looking on the leaves looks like a Calcium deficiency.

This looks like a Calcium Deficiency.
From the few flowering pix I'm guessing you're at what...week 9ish? You know leaves turn near the end right? Its totally normal. Leaves near the bottom will turn as the mobile N is relocated to the upper part of the plant. I'm really only seeing one or two yellow leaves...I don't even think its a problem. Is this your first grow? Bc you should've seen this before. The problem is made worse when guys try to fix it with more chemicals...Be careful this late into the grow. I wouldn't change your feeding schedule. You can hit it with some Epsom salts as a drench at 1 tbsp/gal water for the other issue.
There is a spray you can use to get N into your plant right away if you still want. I haven't used it so I can't even remember the name but if you want I'll look it up.