lower leaves starting to yellow after 12/12


Well-Known Member
After 2 days of 12/12 I noticed two of my lower leaves starting to yellow a bit. Is this normal? They plants seem to be starting to bush out crazy fast, but the yellowing of the two leave tips on two plants scares me a little.

thanks. let me know if you need pics.


Active Member
After 2 days of 12/12 I noticed two of my lower leaves starting to yellow a bit. Is this normal? They plants seem to be starting to bush out crazy fast, but the yellowing of the two leave tips on two plants scares me a little.

thanks. let me know if you need pics.


Well-Known Member
thanks. Looks like im going out for a Ph meter.

But as this this a first time grow and I used time soil with time release nutes, I will need some PH up and PH down.

Are these products easy to use?
Will it fuck up the works with the timw release soil?

next grow im using soil with out the time release.. most likely foxfarm products, been hearing good things on these forums about them.


New Member
Get the PH meter. Also, buy a moisture meter and use it to regulate your watering.

A PH of 7.0 (neutral) in soil is fine. Don't go crazy with the PH Up and PH Down. Over-doing it is a great way to kill your plants fast.



Well-Known Member
Get the PH meter. Also, buy a moisture meter and use it to regulate your watering.

A PH of 7.0 (neutral) in soil is fine. Don't go crazy with the PH Up and PH Down. Over-doing it is a great way to kill your plants fast.

What should your moisture level be at?

I was checking in on PHup and PHdown... WOW one teaspoon for every ten gallons of water. Thats just crazy. Im starting to get a little scared of fucking with ph levels. Is there a tutorial on the forums anywhere?


New Member
What should your moisture level be at?

I was checking in on PHup and PHdown... WOW one teaspoon for every ten gallons of water. Thats just crazy. Im starting to get a little scared of fucking with ph levels. Is there a tutorial on the forums anywhere?
The moisture meter has a prong that you stick into the soil. It will tell you if the soil is wet, moist or dry. When it approaches "dry" its time to water. The moisture meter takes all the guess work out of your watering schedule.

The next time you prepare your soil, put a small handful of Granulated Dolomite Lime into each two gallons of soil mix. The GDL will stabilize the PH throughout your grow. Remember, a SMALL handful per each two gallons of soil will do.

Also, remember that the lower PH figures you read on these forums are intended for hydro grows and not soil grows. Hydro grow PH should be between 5.3 and 6.0. Soil grows are fine at 7.0.
