Lower Leaves Yellowing Faster


Active Member
Okay, well ive heard that the yellowing of the lower leaves during flowering is normal but they have been yellowing a little during the last week of my veg. cycle and now they have been in there first week of flowering. Each Time ive gone to water ive had to cut the yellowing leaves off as they either are yellow and dried out or even looking bruised. The rate at which they yellow has become faster, is this normal or maybe a problem?

Pro-mix HP
normal dose of Earthjuice Grow
now just switched this watering to TigerBloom
(watered with just before post)
Water PH 6.0 to 6.5 est (only have a ph drip kit and ph up)

No real problems till this point.

Thx in advance.



Well-Known Member
Looks to be using up the stored Nitrogen in the leaves.

If you're deep into flowering...I wouldnt worry about it. If you just started flowering....give a shot of veg nutes.

I usually feed veg nutes up to 2 weeks into flowering to avoid early N def's in flower.


New Member
I'd say that you have a pH problem.

The litmus kits are not good enough.

Take a look through this nutrient chart, there's also a section on the site about pH. NUTRIENTSds