lower leaves yellowing

Dr Lg

Active Member
Yea so my lower leaves are yellowing, i've been told that this is from over watering or the roots are being choked. Is this right? I'm probably going to add vermiculite next time. Good idea?

Dr Lg

Active Member
Sorry wrong forum... also im in flowering stage and no its not the end of its cycle.

Also I have a plant right now that is pretty much dieing.. it still has a decent amount of bud leaves left but a good amount of water leaves are burnt from nutrients. It has about 2-3 weeks left.. will it get any bigger or should i just save myself the time and chop it down... the buds are pretty big as is I just don't want to waste 3 weeks if they aren't going to do anything.

Dr Lg

Active Member
I've gotten into this problem when I started flowering. I started giving the plant flowering nutrients from fox farm.. 2 of the plants i guess didn't like it too much (I think I gave them too much) and they got burnt badly. My soil is organic composted with horse poop. Is horse poop good??
Yellowing can also be caused by to low of a pH causing a lockout. But so does overwatering and you have plenty of nutes in your composted manure, so back off the nutes, flush and do a ph test of what comes out. IMO