Lowering PH ????


Well-Known Member
Just flush the agregate man. Pour a shitload of water through and start over. Temporary solution until you can order/buy some pH down/up


Well-Known Member
yea its going to take me a couple of days to get that ordered so i am hopeing to god that the vinegar works. i can already tell growth is stunted and my upper leaves are starting to turn yellow. sheesh


Well-Known Member
Relac man, weed is a resilient bastard. I've done some sick and twisted shit to plants trying to induce hermies and they always pulled through.


Well-Known Member
unless the plants are super bad - i think you might be worrying too much. if the new growth looks fine and the problem isn't spreading to other leaves - sounds like you may have fixed your problem.

and yes, weed is very resilient - i've done everything possible to kill (from over-nuting to light burning) my latest grow and they are still going strong.