Lowlife Ak47 x Blueberry AUTO

Hey all,

So I'm looking to try out the lowlife products, because I've heard great things, and my past two grows from Short Stuff seeds from Attitude Seedbank (which I used to grow a lot of, particularly Russian Rocket Fuel, Blue Himilaya Diesel, and Snowryder), I've gotten extremely low germination rates, unusually low.

I was looking on Attitude for some new auto's that interest me, and landed on the Lowlife Ak-47 x Blueberry Auto, but wanted to hear some feedback from people in the forum who have had experience with these seeds, or lowlife seeds in general. I've always wanted to try the Auto Blueberry, but i've heard they're pretty difficult to grow. This strain, claims to fix the problem, so I was hoping to hear what this strain is like, as far as potency, yield, and difficulty.

Any help is much appreciated.
I love lowlife seeds. I've got AK-47 going now. I've got some of their blueberry beans at home and just giving the AK's time to grow out some. Trying to get to a point where I harvest once a month. I say pick these up. The smoke is killer, and plant is easy to grow according to friends I have growing it. Very nute sensitive. Very good smoke.


Well-Known Member
my last grow was lowlife auto ak47's. the smoke turned out ok, but only 2 out of 5 beans germed. i wouldn't buy from them again. just had 6 of 6 barney's seeds pop, all of my nirvana seeds popped too. i think lowlife is a waste of money.


Active Member
all 10 of mine popped in 24 hours and took off they are currently going 2 weeks now nice and stinky in only 2 weeks and theyve all shown sex :) theyre a good strain and a good company.