LowMaster Auto, Matanuska Mint Auto, Bubblicious Auto, Green-o-matic indoor


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Ok so a new dawn to a new grow. Started 3 days ago. first Id like to say that on the business end, Dutch Breed is elite. Their customer service is great, shipping is super sealth, prices are reasonable.


Worm Castings
Mycomadness Humboldt Nutrients
Happy Frog Tomato Feed
Bat Guano


Humboldt Nutrients Grow, Micro, And Bloom
Super B Vitamins
Bud Candy
Humboldt Nutrients Mycomadness
Humboldt Nutrients Flavorful
Bud Blood
Worm Tea Brew

Started the fallowing

Matanuska Mint reg Auto from Dutch Breed. (7 planted)(5 in reserve)
LowMaster reg Auto from Dutch Breed. (3)
Fruit Fem Auto from Dinafem. (1)
Green-O-Matic fem from Greenhouse. (2)
Bubblicious fem Auto from Nirvana Seeds. (5)

Green-o-matics are 10 days along, 4 Mint have sprouted after just 48+ hours. Bubblicious all popped and getting ready to rise.

set up:
Grow tent, mylar coating inside 60x48x48"


6-26w 6000k CFL
3-27w 6100k CFL
1-150w HPS

before you say anything, i plan to add more lights as i go. the HPS will only be used for start of bloom to finish. Plus only 50% of these seeds will be grown to harvest.

I have preped alot of seeds this time, but my plan is to take out all but the strongest and showers of best genetics, plus all females of course. Finial crop will consist of 6 to 8 auto flowering plants(which is 50% of seeds planted). the GOM will harvest 2 to 3 weeks before the others, so that will make space. i plan on ordering more seeds from Dutch Breed so I have spaced out harvests. Mini Mango looks dreamy :P
Not too sure on the Bubblicious Autos. I emailed nirvana and they told me that they have been just taking "longer" what the hell that means I dont know. If they start to fuck up the grow on the Mint or LowMaster Ill move them some where else. Im really in this first harvest for the Mint and LowMaster. the bubblicious were a gift more or less.


Active Member
pictures coming tomorrow!

the ratio of lumens per sq ft I use is 5000 lumens per sq ft. Right now Im alittle over that amount but they are responding well.

The green-o-matic seem to prefer alittle less light at first. they were shocked by the cfl grow lights for a few days. they are climbing back now, hopefully back on track by friday. I had distance the GOM from the cfls for now.

all seeds started together at same time, same methods, same water.

the LowMaster and Bubblicious are sprouting very well and strong. bubble: 4 of 5 sprouted --- LowMaster 3 of 3 sprouted

the Mint hasnt been such a success story, 4 of the 7 I germinated didnt even pop shell. And the only one that sprouted looks weak. I emailed Dutchbreed.com to see whats up with that. I put 3 more in a paper towel yesterday and 2 of 3 popped thus far. hopefully they can replace the bad beans I got. I will update on that asap too.

GOM doing fine, trying to bounce back from the light stress/overwatering

Has anyone used a mix of 2600k cfls and 6000k cfls during veg? did it add any noticeable results?


Active Member
The Setup:

LowMaster: (5 days old)


Mint: (3 days old)


Bubblicious: (3 days old)


Green-o-Matic: (12 days old)



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and the dinafem fruit auto didnt pop shell. seems alot of freebies from the attitude dont germinate properly.

I soak them for 24 hours, then put them in a dark container folded in a moist paper towel until they pop and grow a root tail atleast 1/4" long. I noticed if you wait til they grow to 1/2" root tail or more they sprout faster and stronger. the roots are key.


It's not just Attitudes seeds that do not pop, I had a package of Barneys LSD that came form Herbies that did not pop. Nick over there was nice enough to replace with any beans of my choice as long as they were close to the same price seeing how I am a returning customer. So I picked out some Sagamartha Lowboldt auto Fem. I have never had a problem with any other order, they all popped. I think it's just that they get a bad batch once in awhile.


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I got an email back from dutchbreed.com about the Mint germination problems. they told me that the Mint shells are thicker than most and they found they need to be precracked after the 24 hour soak in water. just squeeze with two fingers lightly until the shell cracks open slightly. I was thinking perhaps this is some information to add with every order of the Mint seeds. but either way they are replacing my Mint beans for free because dutchbreed.com rocks :)

I havent tried herbies but good to see a positive review, i will check their site out. :) thanks mate. do you have a grow going on?

I got 3 Mint beans growing just fine for now, plus another 3 in paper towel that are precracked and showing root tails. with more on the way to replace the ones i lost. :)


Active Member
lowboldt sounds like fun. i think its very similar to the LowMaster. they are both crossed with lowryder and a master kush right?


ganja.gomer: I plan on doing a large order after X-Mas and plans to split the order between Herbies and Attitude. I think all these guys get a bad batch once in awhile. I have never heard of precracking, I guess I've never had to. If I had done that with the Barneys LSD I would have some now. I have one seed left of it and I'll try it precracked. They were the best looking seeds of the order but didn't do shit. I guess you learn something new everyday.

I do have my 1st hydroponic grow going now and they look okay to me. I had a problem with one plant and was told to cool it down and add an airstone which I did yesterday along with trimming off some of the larger leafs. I have a halfass Grow Journal, you should be able to find it by searching a2612596 I'll post more photo's in a couple of days.


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forgot to add the specs on the grow:

Max temp: 81.5 F
Min temp: 65.3 F
Humidity: 40% to 60%

I weeded out only the strongest growers today. Here is whats left as of today:

3 LowMaster (sex unknown)
3 Mint (sex unknown)
3 Bubblicious (fem seeds- female)
2 Green-0-Matic (fem seeds-female)

4 Mint Beans germinating in wet paper towel. I am fallowing the breeders suggestion to pre-crack the shells after the 24 soak due to the shells proving to be thicker, thus longer germination times. This is a delicate job but it seems to have improved overall germination time and success. 4 soaked, then pre-cracked, now all with root tails beginning to come out from the shell, they will be ready for soil by tomorrow night 10/13/10 or in the morning of 11/14/10.

at this point I'll guess to what I might end up with, Ill be somewhat conservative.

I think 2 of the LowMasters will be female,
atleast 4 of the Mint will be females,
all 3 bubblicious are female, only question is will they autoflower and not fuck up the rest of my grow...? hmmm
both green-o-matics are females and will harvest roughtly 2 to 3 weeks before others are harvested. I usually grow some green-o-matic with my other girls because they are ready for harvest in 7-8 weeks from germination and they dont take much space. The others should take 9 to 11 weeks to finish completely so Ill have a mini harvest before the real deal.

so thats a projected 11 plants. I suspect the Bubblicious will be a bit branchy, all pics Ive seen indicate this. the others not so much. I know for sure the GOM will be a single cola girls.


Active Member
Ok so here something of interest for all of you growing Nirvana Auto seeds, just bought them, or thinking about it. straight from the Nirvana Seeds website:


Time to cut the BS and inform you on what's really going on. There's a lot of nonsense doing the rounds about our decision to put four of our auto-flowering strains out of stock, so here's the truth, straight from the source.

Since introducing our four new auto-strains, reactions were mostly positive. We would like to stress that many of our customers have successfully grown these strains to their full satisfaction, as photos on many online cannabis communities will prove. There was one small batch of faulty Blue Mystic autos sent out, but we replaced seeds for the few customers that were involved. Lately, however, we have been receiving more and more complaints about a failure to flower in these four strains. This is why we have decided to temporarily stop selling them. We are currently doing some major quality testing to ascertain which batch or batches caused these issues. Since a lot of people still reported successful grows, and since testing is done regularly, we do know that not all batches were affected.

For all our customers who've ordered auto-flowerers from us, here's what you should do: First, don't panic! Rumour-mongers most likely have never even ordered from us, and are often not properly informed. Your seeds may very well turn out to have nothing wrong with them whatsoever.

Begin by making very sure that any problems you are experiencing with these strains are not due to grower mistakes! Common mistakes include:

- using nutrients intended for use in the vegetative period. If you're using these, the plant will not get the necessary nutrients to start producing flowers. Solution: switch to flowering nutrients immediately.
- using a 24/0 light cycle. The fact that auto-flowerers are not photo period dependent, like regular cannabis plants are, does not mean that being bathed in light 24/7 is right for them. Many growers make the mistake of thinking plants need to be exposed to light as much as possible to grow bigger, when the dark period is actually when plants use that built-up light energy to develop roots and leaves. (obviously, using a dark period also means far lower electricity bills and heat output). Solution: switch to an 18/6 or even 16/8 light cycle.
- using too high temperatures. Tying in with the issue above - if plants get too hot, flowering may be affected. Slightly lowering the temperatures simulates the ending of the growing season, thus stimulating flowering. Solution: carefully lower those temperatures.

The above should fix issues experienced with seeds from all good batches. If you believe you have received a bad batch, and you've tried the above solutions and still have problems, please contact us through the Help Desk and we will sort things out. If, on the other hand, you've been driven to panic over what someone wrote on a forum, we would urge you to verify that your growing conditions are correct with the help of the list above.

In the meantime, as mentioned above, we will focus on batch testing to find out which batches were affected, and on quality control to make sure this doesn't happen again. As a safety measure, all batches of these autoflowering strains will remain set to "out of stock" until we can be sure that the batches we have are flowering properly. Thank you for reading, and our apologies to all customers who were affected."

end quote.

I dont mean to be negative but this long explanation seems like nothing more than an admission that their auto flower seeds do not actually auto flower. The fact that they try to stress that "not all batches have been effected" seems like total crap to me. How exactly could the auto flowering properties go missing from one batch to the next? so close in generations for that matter. These strains should have been breed longer to keep the desired genetics in. I think Nirvana rushed to get into the auto flower market, and made half assed seeds that dont fully auto flower.

This kinda pisses me off being that Im growing some Bubblicious autos right now. But honestly I knew there had been some problems when I bought the seeds. Ive been mentally prepared from the beginning that these Bubblicious auto seeds I got from Nirvana will not auto flower on its own. At 4 weeks old I will move these girls into a dark room for 12 hours and then back in the grow tent for 12 hours. fuck what a pain in the ass.

Ive lost faith in Nirvana, Im emailing them today to complain.

I wouldnt buy any auto seeds from Nirvana's website or anywhere else for that matter. This also calls into question if their other strains grow as described and advertised.

they said 10 weeks seed to harvest, now it looks to be more like 14 weeks. I could have force flowered a regular strain at 5 weeks oldwith the same results. fuck fuck fuck! I emailed them 3 weeks ago asking them about these rumors about their autoflowers. they sent me an email back saying that they have been "taking longer than expected" to flower.

sounds like they are full of shit. They just got caught with their pants down and their dick in the wind. I get more pissed off just writing this. No wonder the beans were such a good price.

list of shit banks that Ive dealt with?

everyonedoesit.com --- it took 3 weeks to receive my beans from UK to USA. I emailed and called, never got any return. Just the beans in a simple envelope, no stealth, no nothing, so fucking obvious it made my blood boil.

Nirvana Seeds--- for selling me and a bunch of other people shit seeds that dont autoflower, then waiting weeks and weeks to even admit there is a problem. This company fucked up big time in my opinion. I must say customer emails are returned quickly though and shipping was fast and stealth. doesnt make a difference when the auto beans dont autoflower! fuck!

when am I going to learn, I pay for what I get? No wonder they were so cheap, they were hardly tested and poorly bred. I cant even find many blogs and journals out there of a finished BUBBLICIOUS AUTO grow. so wheres all those satisfied customers they are talking about? all I found thus far is alot of people that are pissed their autoflower beans dont autoflower.... wtf?!?!


As for myself, I'm done with autos, hell you get half the yield at best. It only takes a couple of weeks longer so why bother with the auto's? I needed some fast cash when I started this, it has been a good learning experience, but I'd been better off just buying a normal strain and clone. You do not buy seeds for every grow which saves money and it is all the same which makes the customers happy. All and all it just makes good since to stay away from autos. I think I if I screw with any more autos it will be Lowryder #2 otherwise I think the G13 boys are going to see alot of my cash.


Active Member
As for myself, I'm done with autos, hell you get half the yield at best. It only takes a couple of weeks longer so why bother with the auto's? I needed some fast cash when I started this, it has been a good learning experience, but I'd been better off just buying a normal strain and clone. You do not buy seeds for every grow which saves money and it is all the same which makes the customers happy. All and all it just makes good since to stay away from autos. I think I if I screw with any more autos it will be Lowryder #2 otherwise I think the G13 boys are going to see alot of my cash.
first check out this blog on a lowmaster/mint grow: http://forums.cannabisculture.com/forums/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=1514462&page=2

the yields look substantial for auto flowers .

I can somewhat agree with you, but I have had autos yield 30 to 50 grams per plant. I am growing for personal smoke, not to make money. Really Im saving a shit ton of money just growing it on my own. To get a quality product from the 12/12 strains on average have a flowering time of 8 to 10 weeks. plus the 4 to 6 week minimum to veg them. so total, looking at a minimum of 12 weeks. So really in the end we might be shaving off 2 to 4 weeks off total grow time til harvest. The other thing to consider is if you force flower a non auto strain early, like 4 weeks old, the yield wont be much better. Typically anyways. Some strains are just super amazing. cloning would take off some time, but then Id have to have a mother plant and everything else. simpley no time or space for it.

The whole reason for this auto grow for me is simple. I am visiting my wife's Family in Bulgaria. I brought my grow tent and equipment in my check-in luggage :) and shipped my beans to my wife to germinate ahead of my arrival. I am here til the beginning of Jan., maybe the end of Jan. so time is of the essence.

Id like to reap the benefits of some great smoke because the stuff they have here is pure crap. You wouldnt believe what these people do to buds. Just an example, one time I bought 6 grams of buds, it was really brown but crystally, it smelled of sandalwood, but i thought it was better than nothing. It got me decently high, enough to chill and do my normal day to day things. But this shit had been soaked in sandalwood oil! apparently its a taste they like here. I think they are out of their fucking minds. If they had ever taken one toke of a fresh dense california bud before they would know what Im talking about. Hell they still mix tobacco with the buds in a cigerette! YUK!

anyways I come to this former communist country with the mind to grow some nice quality cali style buds. but Id like to enjoy it too. so I wanted something That I could start the first of october and harvest by the first or second week of december. So Id have atleast a month or so to enjoy the fruits of my labor and blow the minds of these Bulgarians. im sure there are some elite growers here in Bulgaria, but they keep that shit for themselves for sure lol. funny part is, the hydroponics store in the city center has everything in english first: signs, employees, everything westernized. including their entire website. which tells me the only people that give a shit about growing quality buds are the westerners than come and settle here.

so at this point im stuck with what I have ( not complaining). I dont really see ordering anymore seeds. they will take a week or more to get here, so that leaves me with little time for anything but autos. I dont want to harvest some non auto strain a week before I fly back, what the hell would be the point in that, I cant take it with me. Honestly Im not sure what to do. I could order more beans, but it would have to be something that would only take a maximum of 10 weeks seed to harvest. if it was still the first of october I could manage with some more one that take longer. But if I put something in by next week that takes more than 10 weeks to mature that puts me in middle jan. for a harvest. plus drying and curing time, that takes me near the nd of jan. Id be back on a plane by time I got to taste the buds. So its is what it is.

any suggestions on a 12/12 miracle strain that can finish under forced flowering in 10 weeks? most Ive seen take 10 weeks of flowering alone. But i havent seen it all.


Active Member
fuck me I have been typing alot. I doubt any of you lazy stoners take the time to read this crap. :). Oh well, they make good memories too.

so I havent heard back from Dutchbreed.com about if they are going to replace some of my mint order because half the beans didnt even crack and pop tails. the last email I got from them they said they would replace my beans and such, but I havent received confermation after I sent my address info. I will most likely hear from them today. They usually take 24 hours or so to respond to a new mail.

I heard back from Nirvana seed shop- heres the email I got in response to my complaint that my bubblicious seeds are not autoflowers:

Hello Jake,
Thank you for your message. I'm afraid this is a known issue with our autoflowering seeds. Please rest assured that we're taking this matter very seriously, and that we have taken it up directly with the breeder.
Meanwhile, we've taken our autoflowerers out of stock until we can be sure that quality control is properly functioning again. I understand how frustrated and disappointed you must be, having wasted time and effort on these seeds, and I can only offer my sincerest apologies for that. At Nirvana, we take quality very seriously, which is why we've stopped selling these strains for the time being.
By way of compensation, I will send you some more seeds. You will receive the same strain you originally ordered, only I will make them ordinary feminised seeds instead of autoflowering ones. I will add a pack of regular seeds as well for the inconvenience.
Again, I'm very sorry for the inconvenience, and I hope you will get good results from the replacements.

At first I thought to myself, cool, free beans. and more than I had ordered in the first place. but then I thought about it further. They are offering more of the seeds that dont autoflower, regular feminized 12/12 bubblegum strain, plus some other regular pack of beans. what the fuck am I going to do with these? how does that correct the problem at all. I wanted my money back, but instead theyre offering to send me more headaches. the regular seeds are the big joke here, not only will I have to force flower these, ill have to wait til I see if they are male or female to keep them?

If I had some 24/7 grow lab in my house I would entertain this offer. But I ordered autoflowers for a reason. Low profiles, quality smoke, personal yields, consistant light schedule of 16/8 or 18/6.

these beans do nothing but complicate an already complicated situation. so I sent them an email back telling me thank you for the offer, but I just want my money back. I dont want to grow any Nirvana strains after this cluster fuck. and personally im totally pissed at them and dont want to do business with them period.

I am the example of the fact that you cant make everyone happy. but I think I have a huge point based on my situation and what I bought those auto seeds for. Maybe im crazy, but it feels right :)


Active Member
ok back to the grow:

october 14th
max temp- 81.2 f
min temp- 65.5 f
humidity- 40% to 60%
all ages are from seed, which means from when they were put to soak for 24hours to now.

lowmasters are growing great, root systems are strong and growing like mad. heres the pics of these girls, 12 days old from seed.


Bubblicious auto flower or not are growing great too: (8 days from seed)

Mint, slow at germination, slow at sprouting, but look strong and growing for sure:

8 days from seed: PICT1001.jpgPICT1002.jpg
4 days from seed:PICT1005.jpg

there are 3 others that I germinated oct 14. they should break ground in the next days.


PICT1008.jpgPICT1007.jpg23 days from seed


Oh well, it beats a poke in the eye with a sharp stick. You could get nothing. Atleast when you do get home you'll have a strain that has the gift of keepping on giving. I think I saw a post yesterday where they said that was what they planned to do until they find put what strains are screwed up and which ones are not. Hell., it's not like I 'm going to rip mine up. I 'll still get a decent yeild and some good smoke. Good luck, it looks like you have a good start.


Active Member
thanks mate, where did you say your grow journal link was? can you post the link?

I think in the situation with Nirvana it is as the casinos call a push. I think I only paid like 35 euros total for the 5 bubblicious seeds. I always make a tiny order with a seed bank I havent bought from before. So I dont lose my ass. So either way I slice it, I have 3 female bubblicious that Ive decided to keep. the other two were the runts and obviously were not the most ideal genetics, so I tossed them to save space for everyone else. Ive heard these bubblicious get bushy.

So lucky I have the time to wait for these girls to finish. I think the hardest thing will be removing these every 12 hours and put them into dark for flowering. The other strains are true autos so the light will keep at 18/6 for everyone. So Ill have to remove the bubba day to day so it gets that 12 hours dark and starts to flower. no big deal really. Ive done it before. just a pain in the ass.

when we get home I have a friend in a grow-op that has some mother plants, so clones should be easy. He usually has classic sour diesel, sour jack, and afghan kush.


I think this will get you there, you'll see I'm not the best on the computer. Mybe I should take some of my own advice and read. I downloaded a program for I phone but if I pick the img code it makes a large photo the only one Zi have not tried is the email & img code. Anyway try this: https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/367294-my-1st-indoor-grow-using.html

If that will not work do a search of my post. I think it's called My 1st indoor grow. I have to go emxchange a co2 tank here in the next hour.


Active Member
I have been thinking about how I am going to supply CO2 to the plants in their final weeks of flowering. I dont really want to use a burner because its indoors, and a small area. 48"x30"x60". so I was thinking of using active yeast. like the stuff they use to in baking. mix them with water and they start exploding CO2. :) good for smaller spaces.


To be frank, there are very few places to get co2 tanks filled around here, they just want to exchange tanks. Last time which was the 1st time I tried to use the co2 they gave me a tank that would not work with my regulator so I've really not used gas until now. I have to drive 57 miles one way to get tank filled, too big a pain. I'll not screw with it after this tank is used up, I'll save it for budding and blow it off after that.