lowrider 2 alternate lighting pattern


Well-Known Member
As it says in the post, i am growing LR2s for the first time in soil under a 600 Son t light. I wanted to know if it would be possible for an alternate lighting pattern as the plants are automatic flowering?

I plan on having the light on for 1hr 45mins and then off for 15min constanly throughout its life giving it 21 on 3 off i think! This for me would be good as it will keep the temp more balanced never allowing the room to heat up or cool down too much.

Has anyone done this?
Was the result better, worse, the same?
Has anyone tried different patters?
Cheaper/More expensive on electric?

I am new to this site and have looked for answers and found none specifically for automatic flowering plants. If there are already threads then sorry and please direct me to them.



Well-Known Member
That does not even come close to anything mother nature would do and thats what we are trying to replicate.
If your using HID's they take time to spin up to normal operating output.
If your concerned with heat, get a fan or air cooled light tube.

Thats just alot of on and off and I dont think highly of it at this moment. You can put LR's in the window sill and they will grow so no need to alter to that extent.


Well-Known Member
That does not even come close to anything mother nature would do and thats what we are trying to replicate.
If your using HID's they take time to spin up to normal operating output.
If your concerned with heat, get a fan or air cooled light tube.

Thats just alot of on and off and I dont think highly of it at this moment. You can put LR's in the window sill and they will grow so no need to alter to that extent.
Seems quite a dismissive reply.

Mother nature wouldn't put a 600 sodium light above a plant either.

I think it could be an interesting experiment and would like constructive feed back.

'If your using HID's they take time to spin up to normal operating output.'
thats a good point, how much difference will it make?

Over heating isn't as much a concern as over cooling considering its winter now. I don't want to get in to having to use artificial heating when my lamps produce enough of it when they are on, it seems a waste of resources.

Plants like cycles, with LR2/automatics people leave the light on 24hrs and report good results. The way i'm going to do it includes micro cycles which i think the dutch masters did alot of research into using strobe lighting with similar patters.

Its not all about what mother nature does, its what we do as good as or better.

So any constructive ideas?


'You can put LR's in the window sill and they will grow so no need to alter to that extent.'

What!!!!! I might have stranger under my avitar but i'm not beginer!


Well-Known Member
I take it from the lack of response that a) know one tried this? or b) its somehow a dumb question?

Either way would love a response




Well-Known Member
No nature doesnt have bulbs....but in nature they day doesnt go pitch black.

The method you described would probably cause too much shock to the plant and cause stunted growth or other problems. I wouldn't suggeest doing that method of lighting.



Well-Known Member
The method you described would probably cause too much shock to the plant and cause stunted growth or other problems. I wouldn't suggeest doing that method of lighting.

This is something that i thought about but then really why would it stress the plants? All i would be doing is mini cycles. The massive temp variation would surely do it more harm?

IThanks for sharing your opinion with me.




Well-Known Member
yeah dude i wouldnt do that,,,just put a fan or a heater whichever necessary..

20/4 is best for lowryder because they dont need alot of darkness but like boneman said they can grow in a window sill finely..i recommend starting them in a window