Lowrider-Autoflowering Seeds not Germinating

I started to germinate Three different types of seeds Tuesday 6th...Ten of each..Whitewidow, Maya Gold & Lowrider all regular type seeds....I germinated all the seeds the same way. The typical paper towel method with two plates...All three were seperated from each other...Whitewidow and Maya Gold seeds are both in jiffy pots all 20 sprouted most are 1 " to 1 1/2 " tall looking good today Sunday the 11th... The Lowrider seeds still have not done anything ..One or two of the seeds maybe look like they could be getting ready to crack open but, nothing yet... The rest of the seeds look just like when I started them Tuesday the 6th....Any advise--Anything I did not know about germinating autoflowering seeds I missed reading up in this forum ??? .Seeds are from Nirvana that I recieved on Tuesday the 6th....I took photos in the chance nothing comes up and I need to send photo to Nirvana.,....Thanks Rick



Well-Known Member
May be bunk seeds. But autoflowers have no reason to germinate differently. You can germinate almost anything like that, and one stain of Mj isn't different enough from another to make a germination difference. So it's probably just a matter of time. It's only been five days, I've had stuff take longer for sure.

Nirvana has had a problem with the Lowrider Regular seeds and as of last week stopped selling them..< End of Sept >..They just say " Not in Stock "...I emailed Nirvana about my "problem "and they say the with take care of the problem with my next order which will be in next 10 days..The seeds I ordered were shipped August 24th and arrived in S.W. Florida on Sept 6th.....I will post what Nirvana sent to replace the Lowrider seeds... Thanks for all your help..Rick