Lowryder#1+Afghan Kush Ryder (both fem auto) CFL grow

Hey everyone, this is my second auto grow. I have vison seeds Lowryder#1 and world of seeds Afghan Kush ryder both fem. autos i have them under 8 2700k 100w equvalent 23w cfls with one cheap grow florecent from walmart to give them a lil 6500k spectrum. i have already geminated these girls and have put them into halfgallon plastic coffee containers, wait i know a little small but the thing is when they get a nice root system going ive made holes big enought to beable to gentley cut the bottoms out and place in bigger container with soil (less stress then translplant) autos dont like tranplants. Where my grow space is so small i might just leave them be this time around. I use a intake/outtake windowfan to curculate the air and baking soda and vinager for my co2. after two days under the light the ladies have emerged so i will post pics tomarrow and this will start my grow diary for these autos.. so tune in and i look forward to sharing this grow with fellow medical cannabis users!


Im about to start my first CFL grow. Im going to use some autos and it will be my first for those too, small setup but i hope it does well! Good luck bro!
image.jpg image.jpg Heres afghan kush ryder.. image.jpg image.jpg And here's the lowryder#1
Next will be som pictures of my small set up. My last grow was an northernlights autoflower that i also grew in this box and the yeild dry was just over a ounce so this small area still can produce
image.jpg When i close my door there is white paper on the door so by closing the door, the door is the front of my box.. I will be updating this weekly.. Thanks for all the views @korriej52 if ir looking for a cheap reliable way to grow ur medical cannabis cfl is the way to go,good luck to u and cant wait to see some of ur grow! Stay pain free and medicated my friends, until next time- Darth Cultivator


The picture with just soil is a White Cheese autoflower the seed broke the soil in just 12 hrs after the seed germinated in a paper towel for about 24 so this baby wants to grow haha.. Comments are welcome