Lowryder #1 First Grow


Well-Known Member
DAY 36: Lucy is still doing fine, i can clearly see a lot of trichs on the upper leaves :D

I got black electrical tape just incase i need to re-tape it up :)

I will be moving the lights up a tiny bit tomorrow, and watering tomorrow.




Well-Known Member
Yep man I'm so excited! If only she was able to kiss...

*google*"plant sex porno...."
Only kidding hahaha Thanks chief!


Well-Known Member
Looks good I think if you raise your light a bit it may stretch a little more.
Hey cannabis, glad you like it! That's what thought as well about the lights so I'm going to move them up a little
Bit today when I take pictures :D


Well-Known Member
Are you gonna harvest earlier to get a higher thc content or wait a week or two to get the couchlock high?
Hmm....haven't thought about that much. what would be the "more fun" high? Like find shit funny (probably any of them make u do that haha)


Active Member
I think it's the sativa high, where you still have energy to walk around and fucking dance like a madman, while indicas are couchlock and make you can't feel your legs lol. But with either sativa or indica, the earlier you chop, the more active, heady, cerebral high, and later when the trichs are getting amber all over its the couchlock body stone. I like sativas for that reason you wont fall asleep in an hour.


Well-Known Member
Hmm.. Soo i was planning on chopping at like day 60-65 (thats when everyone said its usually done) How can i see when to chop by looking at the trichs without a microscope? Will that macro setting on camera work?


Well-Known Member
LMAO prolly not...So theres no other ways besides that? Like once i get close enough could people be able to tell by pics if it would be a couchlock (really done) or sativa type? (not fully done or whatevrer)


Active Member
I think you could make a pretty good guess. But it would be exact with the microscope. I got one because they're fun to play with and it makes me feel like quite the scientist.


Well-Known Member
Oh goodness a scientist. LOL
I'll probably be able to tell a bit better I'n real life than I see picture.

Pictures I'n a few minutes


Well-Known Member
DAY 37: Gave her a water today nothing more to say than shes growing great :)

I plan on re taping the magnets on, on friday or saturday.



Well-Known Member
when you start to see the white hairs just starting to turn brown watch them. when about half to about 75 percent turn then harvest. thats in the early time frame. looks really good for the first one.


Well-Known Member
Man Millyy, to see those bud sites all spitting out that frost you see on the leaves makes my mouth water:) Lucy is looking health and green, I see you got the yellowing under control. Those leave that are yellow will remain so but as long the rest of the leaves stay green, Lucy will be just fine!