Lowryder #2 day 10 !

Hi there this is only my 2nd post and my 2nd time growing but i love my hydroponics kit and thought id share a few pics and such.

if you notice anything im missing or have questions feel free :D

This day 10 2 hrs in ;) ( i have a timer recording how long since i put the seed in )


Well-Known Member
Nice ! Your growth is typical....I have my second lowryder 2 growing....very close to yours in days.... My last lr2 grow yeilded some very tasty nugs....friends all thought flavored it but nope...just weed. Did/doing mine under floros/cfl for 5 weeks, then finishing under 400w hps. First grow was 65-75 days seed to clip...:weed:

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
ah shit my bad, im blazed as fuck. Lowryder #2, stoked to see how these turn out, are they fem? or just a regular seed pack?
they are just regular i was blazed when i purchased and a lil excited ;) i wanted fem but i heard some bad reviews from some of the other seeds i wanted. so i purchased regular seeds instead of feminized


Well-Known Member
I'm outta town on holiday at the moment...no access to my pics .....The pic in the link does look like mine when they were close to done....you should have a top thick cola with some lower shoots also.... that pic looks just like my 4 plants........
The taste is very unusual and the high is quicker than most.....very good weed....I think it is better than some ak47 that I was toking til my lr2 harvest. I do believe you'll like it.
When I get back in my home area, I'll post a coupla pics of my 2nd grow and see if I kept any of my first... The lr2 grow was my first ever....and the main thing I had to learn was petience. Don't overwater....lr2 actaully likes drying out a bit between waterings. Very hardy. I had 5 fems outta 9 germs....got mine from dope-seeds.com a bit cheaper than you.....but the results wil be well worth it. Count on 30 days of cure after adequate drying .... will smell skunkier and skunkier......

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
they are just regular i was blazed when i purchased and a lil excited ;) i wanted fem but i heard some bad reviews from some of the other seeds i wanted. so i purchased regular seeds instead of feminized

Ya ive heard similar things, but then again ive heard it just depends on how much stress the plants are put through.

Right now i got 3 fem seeds going in a bubbleponics system, they are on day 5 and so far they are lookin good!

I got one Hash Plant Haze, One Lemon Skunk, One M.K. Ultra.

Always look out for the free promotions they have on attitude, in early december they had a sweet deal going on,

3 og 18 skunk (regular)
3 Sleetstack Skunk (regular)
3 Kushberry skunk (regular)
3 la confidential skunk (regular)
3 Kandy Kush skunk (regular)

All you had to do is pay for shipping which is like 14$, hella worth it.

I ended up ordering those, and since i was paying for shipping as it is i ordered the MK Ultra fem and they gave me a free Hash Plant Haze fem.

So for like 30$ i got a grip of seeds. Just figured id make sure you know so you can take advantage of those deals to, usually they will have a good one every month.