Lowryder 2 hybrids


Well-Known Member
SCIAS IS BACK! COMPUTER ONLINE! CAMERA CHARGED! IM READY TO ROLL!!! Only one request: After smoking a good 2 grams of Thai Haze x Skunk #1 a couple nights ago, I got a little paranoid about the title of this thread. If one of the mods could change the title to "LowRyder 2 Hybrids" or something to that effect, I would be most happy.
Thanks to all who have been reading, and pics will be up tonight!!!


Well-Known Member
leaves are droopy in previous pics from just watering. also, there were a couple of dead leaves from the recent drought. all almost died, but i revived them. all in all they are making a stupendous recovery. using worm castings as a top dressing. restock of fox farm nutes coming in friday. just watered today, wont need to again till thursday, transplanting into 3 gallon bags.



thanks for finally posting some pics, i have been following this thread since it was started, and kinda gave up. i have no room to talk, as i still havent gotten off my ass to become photo capable


Well-Known Member
dont worry, new roommie is happy about this grow and is letting me use her camera to do any documentation i need. so, lots more pics to come. just between work, play, and gardening, its taking me longer to do a few things than i thought it would :(


Well-Known Member
i too have been following this off and on since its beggining. good to see some pics, cant wait till they grow up an i can see the crossing in action. keep it comin meng, best of luck


Well-Known Member
more pics tonight. growth is regaining its rapid pace. drought was tough on the girls, but ive done my best to nurture them back to health. i really mean it when i say they were within 30 minutes AT MOST of dying. i was about in tears, needless to say.


Active Member
how about cheese x lowryder? You'd want to get an original strain cutting rather than starting from the seeds that bb & gh have created to keep it as close as possible to the original & use the lowryder pollen you're planning on collecting

call it:
lowfat cheddar


Well-Known Member
The last grow i did i didnt get any clones. it is very difficult because they go into flowering so quickly after preflowering.. but it is possible.. just have to have a keen eye
clonning any autoflower is pointless, it adds two weeks and does nothing but shock the plant. does not increase yield.... lowers it.