Lowryder 2 hybrids


Well-Known Member
i dont see why not :D i think that closet growers everywhere are in good need of a strong autoflowering shorty mcshortshort.


Well-Known Member
working out the arrangements with the seedbank as we speak. he's possibly interested in carrying my line, so a better deal may be worked out! these are exciting times... oh, and ill pay for overnight shipping so this thread wont take forever to pick up the pace.


Well-Known Member
working out the arrangements with the seedbank as we speak. he's possibly interested in carrying my line, so a better deal may be worked out! these are exciting times... oh, and ill pay for overnight shipping so this thread wont take forever to pick up the pace.
You do realize it takes years of breeding to make a good strain and to make it stable right?


Well-Known Member
working out the arrangements with the seedbank as we speak. he's possibly interested in carrying my line, so a better deal may be worked out! these are exciting times... oh, and ill pay for overnight shipping so this thread wont take forever to pick up the pace.
sounds good i had a question if i may, if all of this works out and you do sell the seeds through a seed bank how much do you think you will be selling them for and will there be any discount for rollitup members:peace:


Well-Known Member
see, lowryder goes from seed to FINISH in right at 2 months. that gives me SIX whole harvests to work with in a year. if im wrong, im wrong... but in the mean time ill keep this optimistic thinking.


Well-Known Member
I forgot to factor in IBL for stabilization, this will take another 2-3 crops, so i give it 1.5 year MAX from start of project to finish.

oh, and dont worry... the whole thing will be well documented.


Well-Known Member
even at 4, its going to be a quick project comparatively. we'll see how well the first few crosses go, and decide from there. they may come out better than expected and take less time. :D


Well-Known Member
hey, sorry i didnt see your post before now.. well, the breeder gets to set a price with the distributor. i will most likely offer a special discount for RIU members, but will also keep my final selling price very low. ive always been a fan of quality at an affordable price. so any stable and worthwhile strain that comes from this project will go for 20 usd, 14 seeds. how does that sound?