Lowryder 2 minimum pot size for growing?


Well-Known Member
What would be a minimum pot size I should use for growing lowryder 2 start to finish? I have 6in pots would this be enough?

Anyone ever grow this stuff and what did you think of it? Yield, potency, size, anything I should know about it? Thanks all


considering that you are only gonna have the plant for about two months, i would say it is absolutely safe to use a 6in pot. planning on growing some of this myself, a lowryder hybrid. heard that the quality isnt the best, but for two months, who cares


drchronic.com carries lowlife seeds, which are lowryder hybrids, and mdanzig seeds has some others also.


Active Member
If you don't plan on growing it to tall a six inch should be fine to me. I've got a plant at least 16" tall, I did have some trouble with rooting at first but that should have been something I should have taken care of early on. But it's budding now (but it may end up being a male) and i'm happy with what i've done. Just grow it in the center of the pot, not the side, I just had to fix that the other day. As for yeild and potency, wait for more post for those kind of answers.


Well-Known Member
i am also looking to gain more info on this i currenly have about 12 female lr1 growing. they are about 5weeks old,well into bud.i only have them in 16 oz plastic drinking cups, way to small. i was on the joint doc (who made lowryder ) site on growing lr.1 to 2 gallon pot..treat like seeddling for first 2-3 weeks...fert first two weeks lightfeedinggrow type fert..feed bud fert 1-2-1 ratio weeks 3,4,5,6water 7,flush 8th week. so i have about 50 seedling in 16 oz cups.. wonder if i can wait till they are sexed before transplant.. so i hope this heples you and good luck your yeild and lighjt would be great and others as well