Lowryder 2X Ak47 Feminised 250 watt Hps Grow Re_Run

not to bad of a stink around the place unless im not noticeing it...still havent hooked up my CF yet...lifes kinda in a wreck at the moment lol
AK-2 is getting EXTREAMLY TOP HEAVY on main and side branches lol I love it but now I have to rig little rods to hold the branches up so 1 they dont fall away from the light and 2 the main stem dont snap :) cant wait till there done....there smell is like Pine/Cat Piss/skunk something like that lol I cant really put it into words but deff a smell ive never experienced before...wish I could make a cologne out of it :)
Im planning on choping down AK-1 in 2 weeks or less...she is speeding up in her finish and she is the oldest of course :) Im so excited and I hope you all are as well...seeing as to how many of you have been sticking around long enough to see this final moment of adaption come to and end...and soon after ill be inhaleing the sweet suckulent nectur of the gods :) I also plan on makeing a FUN and some what WHACKY harvest video that will surely give you guys the giggles at least :):):):)

AK-2 is going to prolly go the whole 70 days or more lol she just keeps packing it on but thats cool :) AK-3???is questionable...just keeping a close eye on her like always :) Ive noticed if I get a touchy plant and I cant keep her healthy....Im DARN GOOD at keeping themalive lmao
~CHEERS YALL~ time to try this Chem Dog I just picked up :)
Seeing as I have plants ready to go under the light after my GALS have past...I wont be able to dry themin there....smell has to not be a problem in this part :) as my ol ladys parents dont agree with my doctor on my prescription :) any who..I was thinking about going the cardboard box route or Plastic Tub ??Any ideas guys?Best way to construct it? Ideas to keep the smell contained??Id look it up but then we wouldnt have anything to talk about :) Thanks in ADVANCE
hey hey, wow man your plants are looking epic! so crystally and yum. :) I did my first dry in a tall cardboard box with holes in the bottom on one side and on the top on the other side. I drove poles through the box so they kind of went 2 pole wide apart 1 pole in the centre that gave good spacing,. I occasionally put a fan by it to circulate the air. I totally was worried about bud rot but it worked an absolute treat! Im gona have to start cardboard boxing again as my dry room is about to become a flowering room! do NOT dry in plastic boxes. danger danger. also cure in glass not plastic- plastic leeches into the flavour, i had a selection curing at one point and had a real nice haze plant that all i had left to cure it in was a plastic tub, it smelled and tasted really weird compared to glass cure. really hope this helps! I cant wait to see your yield and smoke report mate. :D
Ya I turned my little Germ Box into a dry room :) I assembled a box on top of it sealed it and cut a decent size hole in the top of the box foe air to escape....if you have seen my germ box I already assembled a fan into the bottom side of the whole ordeal :) so when the fan comes on it flows threw the box and out the top...I want to put a fabric softener on the top for smell????Do you think it will leak into the box???and affect the bud smell and taste? ill post pics of it for yas :)
good idea on the germ box! I dunno about the fabric freshener though- it probably wont stop any smell- you'll just have a room that smells of skunk and laundry! Have you heard of ONA gel? try that, it should work.

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mate! your plants look bangin! those trychs mmmmm! can't wait for the final weights and smoke report on these they look lush :D Im at that stage now where its really frustrating i've got less than 4 weeks left and am getting well impatient! On the led thing, I have heard mixed reports, while I have seen some successful grows with them the spectrum of light is less than hps which is already lacking in some spectrum anyway. I was thinking of getting a blue and a red cfl just to boost my spectrums at veg and flowering but I still remain uncomvinced. also that video was uploaded by someone who sells led lights- that always makes me suspicious, but then I am a suspicious bastard who fears change so..... lol! :D
mate! your plants look bangin! those trychs mmmmm! can't wait for the final weights and smoke report on these they look lush :D Im at that stage now where its really frustrating i've got less than 4 weeks left and am getting well impatient! On the led thing, I have heard mixed reports, while I have seen some successful grows with them the spectrum of light is less than hps which is already lacking in some spectrum anyway. I was thinking of getting a blue and a red cfl just to boost my spectrums at veg and flowering but I still remain uncomvinced. also that video was uploaded by someone who sells led lights- that always makes me suspicious, but then I am a suspicious bastard who fears change so..... lol! :D

OH SHIT...your right good point....all tho HPS did come in first....Ill just have to look into it more :) Ya and some people will throw an LED over there huge ass plant and say they grew it under it :) anyway thanks for the heads up...and dont worry im a little scared of change myself lmao

AK-1 is nearing her end...alot of her calyx's are closeing up which in return alot of the hairs have turned rusty color...leaves already have been yellowing...trichs are pretty much all MILKY lol like they dont want to turn amber yet :) IDK but what I do knw is ..once they start to turn ill have to harvest quick because she looks like she is just waiting to fall off the deep end lol in a good way....im guessing yiled on her is going to be under a 1/2ox but im not one to count my chickens before they hatch :) ill be happy with what ever :)

AK-2 is still chugging along strong :) alot of white pistals on her yet...and she has recently started packing on the trichs a few weeks behind which wont leave me with much sugar on the fan leaves for hash but rarely do I see people use them anyway :) She is prolly around 80milky/20clear...3 more weeks on her I pertain ;)

AK-3 has turned into my own personel experiment trich wise :) She is nice and trichy tho which I like cause she will be the first one to GO UP IN SMOKE :)
UPDATE FOR TOMORROW :) (DAY 60) "not gunna be around :)

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