Lowryder 2X Ak47 Feminised 250 watt Hps Grow Re_Run


Active Member
Well it doesn't look like you did too much damage. I think she will live through it =P
Ya I knw right she Prolly will I just hate how I got dirt all over her: ( only the new top layer dumped out so I was totally stoked the roots weren't disturbed mainly:)


Active Member
Killer, aren't autos supposed to be some of the toughest strains out there.......just dam hearty plant right?????? hope all is well. I read about ur mis-hap in another thread and want to extend the support and prayer to the marijuana gods...
Yes and now after this I'd say for sure some others are better tho being able to with stand bug attacks and what not there is this certain strain I forget which one ill post it later but I was thinking about doing tht one for my 3rd grow ill get back to ya on tht bro with specifics and thanks for the prayer: )


Active Member
Hello mate - just thought I'd join the party as I'll be starting my 2nd grow soon which includes Auto AK-47 (and White Dwarf). I've currently got a couple of Autos (Smile and Afrodite) in darkness until Friday evening, then it's time for the chop... they look bloody good! In my tent I've now just got a couple of very tasty looking bagseed plants, of which one has main cola about a foot long and a few inches in diameter..... not bad for my first indoor grow!!!

Anyway, keep up the good work fella - those Autos can take some abuse and you'll soon have forgot about that little mishap......
Sweetness man thanks for joining ...let me know when u get ur journal started and chit ill deff follow and yes soon I will forget lol cause they will be flowering within these next 2 weeks hopefully lol


Active Member
What do you guys think about me giveing the plants a feeding on day 20 or so of grow big ....mix wise being 1 table spoon to a gallon would it benifit ad's at all for veg? Or is it best to just use big bloom...these are foxfarm products for those who don't knw:) thanks y'all


Active Member
as u know I am growing the same strain as u and I can't give her any more then 250ppm when I apply nutes..or she burns......less is more with Auto AK x lr's or so I have found out.....today is day 38 total sinces the bean cracked... Auto's dont like alot of nute as I am told and I have read......food for thought............


Active Member
Ya I've heard less is more before: ) I'm just wondering if grow big would have anytime to kick in to be benificial enough if not it would just be a waste I've also heard you can use big bloom thru whole grows with any strain too


Active Member
Will be posting pics tomorrow of the girls I'm stoked to show em too lol I also got 2 new oscilateing fans today one on the floor by the intake fan and the other mounted up on the inside of my door: ) its tight see yas then


Well-Known Member
i use big bloom starting on about day 30 with autos because by this time all of the nutes in the soil are used up. you can go ahead and try 1/4 streangth on the 1st feeding (once a week) and then bump it up a 1/4th each time. then you will be able to tel what she likes.

edit: oh and yes you can use big bloom all the way through the growth cycle. the plants say yummy!


Active Member
i use big bloom starting on about day 30 with autos because by this time all of the nutes in the soil are used up. you can go ahead and try 1/4 streangth on the 1st feeding (once a week) and then bump it up a 1/4th each time. then you will be able to tel what she likes.

edit: oh and yes you can use big bloom all the way through the growth cycle. the plants say yummy!
lol thanks barbie ;)


Active Member
DAY 18
Roll 013.jpgRoll 016.jpgMs.Assult
Roll 014.jpgRoll 015.jpgMs.Suppressive(her secondary growth is AWSOME)
Roll 012.jpgRoll 018.jpgMs.Flank( Is she over watered is that why she is drooping?Cause its either that or my fans I just got...i think its over watering cause she small and dont need watering everytime i water the other 2...cause ive been doing that...idk let me know guys THANKS



Active Member
if ur soil gets dry quick, dont u have to water??not too sure on soil but eager to learn??? I grow hydro....sorry, I'm getting ready for my spring soil grow outdoor and this thread is helping.....4 good yeilders outdoors.....as for the wilting mine did too at that size and I thought I was doin something wrong, and it was just me.....plant was fine......food 4 thought.....


Active Member
perfection is hard to get, but u will sonner then ya think..good work...be vigile.......they will be fine just dont over water i guess and dont freak out until u have nothing left to panic about then freak out.....


Active Member
its amazing what they can take- On one of my soil grows I actually snapped the main stalk. I just wrapped it up in duct tape and hoped for the best, she was set back a few days but the shock didnt herm her or anything. It may be worth keeping an eye on it- shocks when they are young can lead to herming and then you may end up with seedy weed. not necessarily a bad thing considering this is meant to be the year of the guerilla grow! :D

**edit** Oh my god I think I jinxed myself! I was doing some work on my scrog just now and put too much pressure on one of the main branches and cracked it right at the stalk. I got a cable tie holding it together atm. hope it'll be ok, pics to appear on my grow in a few mins. what an absolute twat I am! lol! :D


Active Member
its amazing what they can take- On one of my soil grows I actually snapped the main stalk. I just wrapped it up in duct tape and hoped for the best, she was set back a few days but the shock didnt herm her or anything. It may be worth keeping an eye on it- shocks when they are young can lead to herming and then you may end up with seedy weed. not necessarily a bad thing considering this is meant to be the year of the guerilla grow! :D

**edit** Oh my god I think I jinxed myself! I was doing some work on my scrog just now and put too much pressure on one of the main branches and cracked it right at the stalk. I got a cable tie holding it together atm. hope it'll be ok, pics to appear on my grow in a few mins. what an absolute twat I am! lol! :D
OMG bro that sux lol I've done tht before and used zip ties on it healed back tho I love mi they astonish me: ) hope she is fine man