Lowryder dwarf mix grow- mini cabinet


Well-Known Member
Yeah i know guys- i'll wait......this is why i use feminized seeds outside....the next grow i'm doing is with feminized afghan kush w t5's 12/12 from seed ...gonna start next week...i just hope i get 3 out 6 on this grow, its just sucks when the 2 best look male




Well-Known Member
I just spent a lot of time looking at these- looks like 5 male 1 female...and the female is a real runt- F-CK!!!! Ohh well, i think i'll make this a seed run- i'll still keep up the grow journal- its always good to see how it goes- gonna start my 12/12 bubbleponic grow maybe thurs- fri - world wide seeds afghan kush feminized- i can fit 6 in there and i think i'll go for it- i'll start another journal on that one too- outdoor plants all look good- go outside in pots next week a few hours a day to get use to the sun, then in 2 weeks to "my spot"- i may even start a small journal on that- i only see them 4-5 times the first few weeks, then if i'm brave in august, then a nightim harvest late sept, early oct, before the hunting season. (these plants are all feminized, if i get a hermie, its never bad as i seperate these plants real good, no more than 2 in any spot. )



Well-Known Member
no offense man but thats some of the worst odds ive ever heard are you sure you got 5 males?

also did you do anything to stress them?


Well-Known Member
Hey Monkeyman- I'm gonna let em go- i think its 5 but hey, i've been wrong before- anyone have any iideas how to take a real good close up picture- i got a nice digital camera, but when i get real close it starts to blur....any way i'll let em go and report back in 1-2 days



Well-Known Member
Sad day at da casa today- pulled 4 males- 1 confirmed female and 1 not sure- put 4 more LR2 in paper towels today- as they say, if at first you dont succeed, try try again! And monkee, this is the story of my life in the last 3 years- if anything can go wrong, it usually does- anyway- i'll put some pics of the lone female up tonight- shes a little pathetic bitch, but shes the only one i have.....



Well-Known Member
heres the only one left-i'm almost positive its a she. Looki it over and let me know what you think- 2 or the 4 lowryder mixed bag seeds germed in 24 hrs , so i'll have them planted soon

PB :peace:



Well-Known Member
Yeah i know shes small, but shes really starting to look good. Not gonna get much off her, but i guess thats the nature of lowryder. I got 5 Zumal x Haze sprouts in the same cabinet (1 1/2 weeks old- going outside in mid may) that are the same size. Here a pic, i just watered her- i havent posted much, getting everthing ready for my kush grow.




Active Member

Hey bud I just read over your thread. I have heard it elsewere that the male to female ratio with lowryder 2 are not good I guess we will see with mine. But yeah I am not very impressed if these things only take 60-70 days to finish then they had better get to growing. I have a total of five. One will stay outdoor because it is permanent. The other four in pots I am hoping for females and one male at least so I can do the seed thing. But I am wondering if I pull them when they show sex and put them under 20 hrs of indoor light if it will screw them up? What do you think? I will put some new pics up in my thread tommorrow.


Well-Known Member
Hey all, sorry i havent posted in a bit. the 1 plant left is looking great and has multiple bud sites on her and they are literally exploding. Shes taken off growth wise and is remaining short but very bushy. I'll post some picts today- until later peace



Well-Known Member
here are the pics -- plant was sprouted 4-3-07 bud sites look good- shes short and stout, looks real nice. temps been 85 during the day, 59 at night. Shes in my 12/12 cabinet with my 12/12 from seed grow, and the funny part is she took off after being put in 12/12- anyone seen this before??? anyway, enjoy the pics




Well-Known Member
Ohh yeah, i started using liquid karma with the guano and worm castings- made a huge difference- look at here from a week ago to today



Active Member
pitbill, da grow is lookin lively.. my condolences on the 5 fallen. . are you still using the guano tea?


Well-Known Member
ya still using the tea- to make the tea, put jamaican bat guano and worm castings in an old pair of stockings of my wifes, put it in 3 gal of water for 3-4 days. Shake it 3-4 times a day. Liquid gets real brown- then i put it in 1 gal jugs and add 7 ml of liquid karma. It seems to make the plants respond nicely.



Well-Known Member
I have the LR in my 12/12 cabinet- went out to check this afternoon- temp at 105 due to fan malfunction....shit!!! Plants look ok- watered, they all should be ok. The LR looks awsome- buds everywhere....the 12/12 and liquid karma have seemed to really turn her on. I really dont know much about LR's but would 12/12 make them bud more aggressivly??? Temp is now holding in the mid 80's....pics tomorrow
