Lowryder Easy Ryder aka Lowryder#2 x ak47

Hell yeah B, them plants look great! Loving all the frost, i bet that room is stinky! :weed:





woah!! beautiful! def some amazing super sticky disco balls..
hairs are changing a little darker now too, just starting to ripen! yummy!! u know whats good! ;)


keep it up, looks awesome, u gonna let them go all the way till fully ripe? check my blue dreams out if you get a chance.. -peace :joint:
your plants look so fuckin frosty stonie... like the frostiest ever!!!!!!!! does your garden reek? does it smell like Blueberries?

thanks sis! it does reek, but the bluberries are not the ones putting off all the smell, its the other three. but if you smell the blueberries tey do smell like blueberries.

stripper barbie by far looks the best awesome pics:clap:

thanks mane honey! +reps

Can't remember if I am subscribed, but I am now! Plants look great. I love watching autos finish.

welcome to my insane world DS. +rep for subbing.

Holy snowflakes Barbie! Looking great! Probably smells like heaven in there!

thanks capt! yes ma'am it does! +reps for love

Danged Stoner!
Just found this. :clap:
"I'll be back" - will be a good read later when I'm done for the day.

all right! canons in the house!

WOW babe just beautiful looking as always.So frosty and delicious looking!!!Damn my pistls better start showing soon

thanks poo bear! don't worry they will when they r ready. don't try to rush it k.

woah!! beautiful! def some amazing super sticky disco balls..
hairs are changing a little darker now too, just starting to ripen! yummy!! u know whats good! ;)


keep it up, looks awesome, u gonna let them go all the way till fully ripe? check my blue dreams out if you get a chance.. -peace :joint:

your girls are rocking as well man! to let them ripen fully is the plan.

i reped everyone i could.lol

ok ya'll i am freaking out right now. my hubby just got canned! fuck!!!!! so if he does not get a job in 2 weeks then i will be moving. if that happens, then 3 of my girls are gonna die early.i'm sure my bles will be done by then.
Im so sorry about ur husband getting canned,i hope he finds a job soon.that really sucks cause ur doing so good,if we lived closer id take them for u and let u keep all the harvest but i think u live pretty far the babies wouldnt survive a road trip i don tthink
im so sorry though i feel bad.i hope everyhting works out,ur babies are too beautiful to let them die early!!!frosty little bitches they are lol.U know im always here for u hun if u need to talk or nething
Frosty buds all over the place :D just the way i like it. those blueberrys look fantastic ! one thing i dont get tho .. why are they taking so long to finish ? is it the strain ? or did you do something to them ?

sorry to hear about your husband , i also got canned a couple of months ago ... took me a good 3 weeks to find another job. but be positive , it's all for the best :)
sorry to hear about your husband. he'll find another job, or you'll move.. either way, whatever happens was meant to happen, don't stress..
Outstanding show SB and all your ladies are looking fantastic. Sorry to hear about your husband and I sure hope he can find something soon. The thought of losing ones home is just awful.

thanks for all the kind words everyone. i kinda hope that we move back to our old house. that one we own and i can't put holes in it if i want. lol plus i love my old house. it has a bad ass kitchen! i know that everything happens for a reason. so i'll just go smoke a bowl!
sorry to read about the bad news SB.......ya know whut though u still have eah other...thick and thinn.....u'll pull through, but for now luck yes best kinda luck is in order.......besta luck 2 u and urs..times will get better after they get worse....this is america...lol
ok ya'll i am freaking out right now. my hubby just got canned! fuck!!!!! so if he does not get a job in 2 weeks then i will be moving. if that happens, then 3 of my girls are gonna die early.i'm sure my bles will be done by then.
thanks for the positive vibes man. i can usually turn a negative into a positive, we WILL be ok and chances are they will be better than before.
yeah yeah.....bad thing just happen, but froom whut a few ppl tell me the job market is picking up again a lil here on the eastside...dont know where u n urs r, but here sux too..
thanks for all the kind words everyone. i kinda hope that we move back to our old house. that one we own and i can't put holes in it if i want. lol plus i love my old house. it has a bad ass kitchen! i know that everything happens for a reason. so i'll just go smoke a bowl!

What a great attitude you have....and your right, things do happen for a reason.