Lowryder Easy Ryder aka Lowryder#2 x ak47

rock on!!!!!!! thanks my lovelies!

incase i don't get around to it............
I believe that you hit the bulls eye. I've grown up with guns but I know a girl or two who are better shots than I!

Have an awesome one deadeye ; !)
You can get one for 25 bucks at toys r us man. the kids even love playing with it. looking up their noses and stuff. lol

It sure would be nice to know what to look for at Toys r Us in that $25 camera of yours, what brand and what does it look like. Thanks

oh, the other day we went to the range. can you believe that the first round that i shot off was dead center in the bulls eye!

Dang Girl (used as a term of endearment), what don't you do? I know why everyone loves you (men and women, myself included). You have a little bit in common with just about everyone. Do a little of this, do a little of that, I've liked you all along, this just cinched it for me. :hug:
oh hahhaa yeah, i guess that it would help if i gave ya'll some info huh?

Bresser Junior - Digital Hand Microscope with 1.3 MegaPix


well i don't do windows.....lol just kidding, someone has to do them. ha
your awesome! thanks lady! +rep
i get bord fairly easy, so yes i try new things all the time.
nice scope there :)

One morning as i went to work, i stopped by mc donalds to get the usual happy meal i get every morning , and instead of giving me another car, like the one you will see in the picture, the dude that operated MCDrive, gave me a barbie inscripted notebook rofl. instantly i thought of you lol, funny stuff.

i bet it would turn out a good grow journal ehh ? lolz

Peace !
nice scope there :)

One morning as i went to work, i stopped by mc donalds to get the usual happy meal i get every morning , and instead of giving me another car, like the one you will see in the picture, the dude that operated MCDrive, gave me a barbie inscripted notebook rofl. instantly i thought of you lol, funny stuff.
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i bet it would turn out a good grow journal ehh ? lolz

Peace !

hahahahhaa , maybe they thought that you needed some femininity in your life. lol that would make a great journal!

whats going on SB u good? :)

doing good honey bunz! how about you? so i started making my own cigs and i got the price albert tobacco because they did not have the one that i wanted. so when i brought it hoe my husband almost fell out of his chair he was laughing so hard. prince albert. lol

have not made the butter yet, i am waiting until i have more trim so that i can make it proper. i will just store it in the freezer until i have enough.

going to chop down the JTR X bast. bagseed today, i fed the girls yesterday and put some molasses in the mix, i had been forgetting to do that so they were calcium def. oops.
ok, i'll get right on that.lol

don't you love it when they do that?

go for it bro.

you can get one for 25 bucks at toys r us man. the kids even love playing with it. looking up their noses and stuff. lol

well my man is at an interview at the moment so we will see if he gets the job. i hope so cause he is starting to get on my nervs sitting around here all day. ahhhahah just kidding. we have actually been having fun dreaming. oh, the other day we went to the range. can you believe that the first round that i shot off was dead center in the bulls eye!

even if he gets the job here he is going to continue to look for a job back home so that we can moove back into our old house. funny thing, we have not said anything to the kids and they are even "i don't like this house, lets move back to our old house." lol

i hope that every one is having a groovy day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hope all goes well with you Hubby's interview. Your plants look awesome! Can't wait for my autos to be ready! All my lovely buds from my first harvest are gone. Back to crappy seed filled bags for the next month or so!
hahahahhaa , maybe they thought that you needed some femininity in your life. lol that would make a great journal!

Funneh :P allready got some feminity in my life, we even got big plans, as soon as we finish medschool .... long therm plans lolz

Hurry up on that butter, never had any, never made any, never ate anything cooked with canna butter in it, i bet it's a hall different ride. who knows, maybe ill make some on harvest.

Peace !
Hey stonie , how life treatin ya? I hope your husband got the job.. your plants look great and i cant wait to hear your smoke report..!!!!!!!
did you see the pictures i posted of you in my garden this past weekend? getting all funky with LOULOu..the autoblue.. lmfao.. you were soooo baked , i cant believe how flexible you are!!!!!!!!!.... hahahahaha
take it easy
Hey stonie , how life treatin ya? I hope your husband got the job.. your plants look great and i cant wait to hear your smoke report..!!!!!!!
did you see the pictures i posted of you in my garden this past weekend? getting all funky with LOULOu..the autoblue.. lmfao.. you were soooo baked , i cant believe how flexible you are!!!!!!!!!.... hahahahaha
take it easy

Thats cute Ambs....at first I was ALL EXCITED THEN REMEMBERED THE DOLL:dunce::wall:
ya those secondary nutes are eminent to the plants overall growth thats for sure :):):)

and we always seem to have to learn the hard way. lol

Sounds yummy! I'll have to try them out!

the orzo salad is totally yummy, good hot or cold.

I hope all goes well with you Hubby's interview. Your plants look awesome! Can't wait for my autos to be ready! All my lovely buds from my first harvest are gone. Back to crappy seed filled bags for the next month or so!

yeah i think he pretty much has the job, just have to wade through all the red tape crap. lol

hahahahhaa , maybe they thought that you needed some femininity in your life. lol that would make a great journal!

Funneh :P allready got some feminity in my life, we even got big plans, as soon as we finish medschool .... long therm plans lolz

Hurry up on that butter, never had any, never made any, never ate anything cooked with canna butter in it, i bet it's a hall different ride. who knows, maybe ill make some on harvest.

Peace !
that is so awesome! good to hear man! so you are in med school and still you get McDs? lol you should know better homes. on the butter, i want to wait till i harvest the SSH so that i can inclue that trim too.

Hey stonie , how life treatin ya? I hope your husband got the job.. your plants look great and i cant wait to hear your smoke report..!!!!!!!
did you see the pictures i posted of you in my garden this past weekend? getting all funky with LOULOu..the autoblue.. lmfao.. you were soooo baked , i cant believe how flexible you are!!!!!!!!!.... hahahahaha
take it easy

OMG that was fucking hillarious!!!! i absolutly loved it.even my man was LOLing.
yeah, i know about McDs, but a breakfast at McD's in the morning keeps me running for 5-6 hours without having to eat anything else. And i really mean running ... part of being a med student is running all day long after doc's tail, trying to slave them enough so they feel youre worthy to be teached or shown something. lols +i kinda collect happy meal toys rofl....
yeah, i know about McDs, but a breakfast at McD's in the morning keeps me running for 5-6 hours without having to eat anything else. And i really mean running ... part of being a med student is running all day long after doc's tail, trying to slave them enough so they feel youre worthy to be teached or shown something. lols +i kinda collect happy meal toys rofl....

not picking on you or anyone else... but i find it odd that every doctor tells you to get plenty of rest and eat healthy to stay on top of your game. yet every doctor i ever met works very long hours and eating cafeteria food (again not saying caf food is all bad... it's just not the best) most times. a sleep deprived person with low energy.... this is not the correct state of mind i choose to have someone diagnose my illness with. I think doctors should only be allowed to work 7-9 hours a day.
Your 100% right stoneyluv , and here, in my country (a country with a disastrous medical sistem) it's something normal for a doc to pull 12-14 hrs of working ... and eat what ever they find and as fast as they can, and all that for a bullsh*t pay check ... we dont have enough doctors as it is so the ones left ... have to work hard. for example, an intern in the UK get's payed close to 3 grand sterlin/month for working a maximum of 8 hrs/day. Here ? an intern gets payed 350 buck's for workin more then 12 hrs/day in conditions i cant even describe. I myself cant wait to finish school and emigrate my ass somewhere worthy to live and work..
the only people that really get paid in the medical industry are the lawyers that represent the insurance companies. and they don't even help people!!!!

it is a shame that people like you that work their asses off just get rewarded by being ripped off by insurance companies! i wish our world wasn't so greedy. It's a good thing we have RIU..... no greed here!!!!!!!!!!!!