Lowryder Mix - second try :]


Active Member
Alright. Time for a new try at this growin thing. I've been doin some MAD research to make sure I don't fail this time around, and I've also spent a good bit of moolah on supplies and materials.

-400 watt hps/mh from HTGsupply
-Foxfarms Ocean Forest
-a bunch of other crap including Indonesian bat guano, a fan, some rubbermaid buckets, etc

I'm just gonna grow in my closet with my clothes lol. I don't really care if I smell like pot, bc i've got a lot of cologne, and if things get too hot and there's a risk of a fire, I've got a portable closet i can always use as a backup thing for my clothes. I'm growin some lowryder mix bag from sensibleseeds.com and I hope I finally get some good homegrown :joint:
I've got 4 lowryders that have germinated in the paper towel method in the 2 gallon bags i got from htgsupply that are filled with ocean forest and a some perlite from schultz. This is entirely organic, I think. I got two more germinated seeds still in the paper towels right now, that i'm either going to throw in my failed aerogarden or outdoors in this spot I found. I have a lot of variables I'm worried about, so if you guys could give me a little positive criticism, that would be very much appreciated :mrgreen:

Oh as for like reflectin the lights and stuff, cuz I still got clothes in there, i ordered some mylar, and probably when it gets here i'm gonna just move the clothes out, or get a thing from home depot and put everything in there.



Active Member
seriously... nothin to say? i'm a little worried about the air and all that heatin stuff. how often should i open the closet for it to clear out the air? I got fans running the entire time the MH/HPS is on, and there's a one inch crack under the door lol. what else for me to do? temp is 75ish in there with 25-35% humidity


Active Member
Hey, I read that %25-30 rh is quite low, and it will lower your female/male ratio. Raise it to around 60-70% rh to get more females but keep it at that level to prevent molds. I use a small piece of cloth around 5cm diameter and wet it a little once or twice a week to provide more moisture. I use this method to humidify my cigars. :peace:


Active Member
Ok. I took your advice and left a few damp clothes in there, so the humidity is around 50%ish. I got another problem though. The temperature of the HPS/MH is getting way too hot. It got up to 85 degrees F after 3 hours of the light being turned on, with two fans blowing. It doesn't feel that hot to me when i step in there, but the thermostat says 85. what should I do to bring this mo-fo down?

Oh and i finally germinated and got seedlings and stuff. 5 lowryder mix, and 4 bagseed. I'm probably gonna try to run the MH for like 10 days, and run the hps till my lowryders finish up. (it's been like 2 days since they got the lil' leaves on them, i'm pretty proud.

any help would be nice :]


Well-Known Member
I had the same heat spike when I set up my MH....I finally stabilized it with a good exhaust and intake fan , to recirculate the air.....my temps staying around 76 now.


Active Member
Good luck with your lowryders. I'm just finishing my first grow with them. Sounds like you've got a good setup, I also used foxfarm ocean forest. that's some great soil. however you need to watch how often you feed your plants, lowryders don't need much at all as far as nutes go. Actually don't feed them at all unless you know they need it.

check htgsupply.com for a cheap intake fan. you'll need it, my lowryders really didn't like temps above 80.

also I just smoked some lowryder buds for the first time and I'm very happy with the high. Not bad, a typical mid grade strain, got me and some friends very nicely stoned. I like it.


Active Member
i like the organic set up...im going to try the same thing with lowryders II, i heard the strain is a lot better, but not as potent as id like, i might try the same set up in my closet, and to go for the organic approach with my lowryderz 2.


Active Member
Mid grade as in like what? what kinda plant compared to it in taste and high (NL, skunk, etc). lol. I got a couple new pics i'm puttin up, but i had to use my laptop's webcam cuz my cameras still busted :evil:.

Also, i just ordered an inline from HTG, so i'll probably put that up. right now the temp stops at a max of 85, and is usually 81~. I got a couple new things setup so my HPS can run more w/o too much heat. The LR is growing decently, the pics aren't too clear, but there's a seedling in each one and a seedling in the aerogarden too. Makes for a total of 5 LR and 2 bagseeds. hopefully i get a few good females and get a good smokin supply for a bit while i start up a WW or g13 haze grow afterwards.

Should i get an air-cooled hood thingie? i don't really know how to set it up and everything, but if i can, i'll prob get a closet thing from home depot and use that instead of what i got goin now

Damn HPS is bright as a mofuck... even if it is hot. It's still cooler than when i ran the MH tho :mrgreen:

I'll try to get some pics of how the seedlings look tomorrow, after i get my camera replaced



Active Member
I really don't know what's going on. They look the exact SAME. idk.. i'm usin the lil' red cups as a starter til they get a lil' bigger... but it's been like one week, 3 days since sprout... and there's like the second set of true leaves STARTING. i mean... idk. is it me? temps with the MH/HPS on are like 85, which is acceptable. RH is like 40-60% on average. with the CFL's on, which is usually use when i'm not on home, it's like 75 degrees, max. idk. i really don't. will it start growing mad fast in like a week? lol