Thanks for standing up for the poor and disabled. My only concern with rec legalization is that unlike what some believe, I'm not so sure it will lower prices for those of us who actually need cannabis, and haven't had a recreational time on cannabis since they were in their early 20s. Even if I could get free schwag, I'd take it, since I'd probably make my delicious medibles. But as it stands, I can barely afford 1/4 of my daily script, so I still need opiates and sleeping pills. It f^^king sucks. Life was much better when I could grow my own. And I had enough to share with an equally poor friend. If anyone knows how I can access free medicine, please let me know. Even some of my big pharma scripts aren't covered by disability.
And thanks you fuckwad Harper, for making an already tough life racked with pain, even more painful with so little access to the meds that would help me. And that dumbass Rona Ambrose who thinks cannabis is more "harmful than tobacco" is another neanderthal who supports rumours rather than fact. She's afraid of facts, because they prove her to be the moron she is, saying there's no supportive research on cannabis. Hey Dumbrose, have you not heard of the LeDain commission. I believe that was in 1972, you dumb biased shithead.