LP mmpr works great if your...Rich or Insured

Hippy will send you some for free, no worries
Are you just teasing me? Why would Hippy do that? Is he one of those few and far between growers flush with meds and happy to help, as I know some are, but already helping those in need to the max, so I don't dare ask? I miss the days when I grew my own and was able to give meds to another who was in bad shape financially. Anyone who says we're lucky to get legal cannabis, has no clue that most of us actually have a medical need for cannabis. Sure, a very few are scammers, but most of the people I served when I was a volunteer at the clubs were very legit. It's not as easy to join a club in Toronto as the media appears to make it in BC. Even the clubs I belong to in BC needed medical proof. Regardless, the next time someone says I am "lucky" to get my cannabis legally, has no clue how my body crumbled to qualify and I'd happily give them all the pain and insomnia I endure, just to enjoy cannabis the way they do. I'd gladly go back to the days when I was "illegally" using cannabis. Back when it was for fun. They are the lucky ones: the ones who can enjoy cannabis, like those who drink for fun. I don't even enjoy it much anymore. I just need it and would really love to be in a position where I could even try concentrates, as I hear they are great for pain, and I don't need to inhale too much to get the effects, but when the clubs are charging 60 to 90 a gram , how can anyone on an income of less than 12,000 per year afford those prices? I'm already struggling to pay for food and often just eat once a day, so I can buy at least some of my meds. It's maddening watching YouTubers doing 1 or 2 gram dabs. I'd just love to try it once, but I'd have to win a lottery to buy extracts.


Well-Known Member
there is such a thing as ..too much of a good thing... (: why would anyone want to inhale a gram let alone two? The "oh it coats my lungs and I get it over the next couple days" :lol:
Eat a gram or two of oil and see what happens :) (don't do it if you know what's good for you)

As for $ 60 to $90 a gram...for oil? Shatter? What?

...that's like $ 65 g's/year if you have cancer and double that if you need to...

ya...LP's sound like an awesome deal when you can grow it and make for pennies on the dollar.

Sorry if this comes across the wrong way...

there is such a thing as ..too much of a good thing... :)

As for 60 to 90 a gram...for oil? Shatter? What?

...that's like $ 65 g's/year if you have cancer and double that if you need to...

ya...LP's sound like an awesome deal when you can grow it and make for pennies on the dollar.

Sorry if this comes across the wrong way...
No need to apologize. Shatter/wax/budder is around 60-90 a gram, depending on the dispensary. I imagine when the LPs get in on this, they'll surely maximize profits and probably use shwag for the process. And RSO, which I could really benefit from is even more expensive. Geez, I remember when I could buy an oz of Moroccan hash for $160. Ahhh, the 80s. When everyone seemed hungry for coke, and that kept the prices low for hash. And this 160$ oz of hash, was top shelf stuff. Really pisses me off that Harper shuts out the people who know about cannabis as medicine (meaning all the dispensary owners and their growers) and opted for his business friends to make disgusting amounts of money and seem to think "weed is weed". They have no friggin clue. Most just grow sativas, which are great for daytime use, but I have severe pain and maddeningly frustrating insomnia. And when they do have the indicas I need, they sell out by the time I have the money, and/or there's a 15 gram minimum to purchase certain strains (pink Kush and Blueberry work very well for me and is almost impossible to find at LPs) If I had money, I would have bought stock in Mettrum before the election, as I knew the Libs would win and then sold the stock the day after. Since I think it jumped 16% after Trudeau was declared. It's really crappy knowing which stocks to buy and never having the money to buy those stocks. I'd be a lot better off, since I have a pretty good record of picking stocks. But the rich get richer.......and I'm just a witness.

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
No need to apologize. Shatter/wax/budder is around 60-90 a gram, depending on the dispensary. I imagine when the LPs get in on this, they'll surely maximize profits and probably use shwag for the process. And RSO, which I could really benefit from is even more expensive. Geez, I remember when I could buy an oz of Moroccan hash for $160. Ahhh, the 80s. When everyone seemed hungry for coke, and that kept the prices low for hash. And this 160$ oz of hash, was top shelf stuff. Really pisses me off that Harper shuts out the people who know about cannabis as medicine (meaning all the dispensary owners and their growers) and opted for his business friends to make disgusting amounts of money and seem to think "weed is weed". They have no friggin clue. Most just grow sativas, which are great for daytime use, but I have severe pain and maddeningly frustrating insomnia. And when they do have the indicas I need, they sell out by the time I have the money, and/or there's a 15 gram minimum to purchase certain strains (pink Kush and Blueberry work very well for me and is almost impossible to find at LPs) If I had money, I would have bought stock in Mettrum before the election, as I knew the Libs would win and then sold the stock the day after. Since I think it jumped 16% after Trudeau was declared. It's really crappy knowing which stocks to buy and never having the money to buy those stocks. I'd be a lot better off, since I have a pretty good record of picking stocks. But the rich get richer.......and I'm just a witness.
What province you in ?
Other peoples money ;)
Oh, would that I could. But no one's going to give a disabled person making less than 12,000 a year money to buy stocks. No one believes someone this poor knows anything about stocks or Forex. But, with head on my shoulders and a constant appetite for knowledge, as well as time on my hands.....extra time with all the insomnia, I've managed to delve deep into many topics that interest me, including all things cannabis, from botany to growing, to easily eye balling a gram for clients when I worked at the dispensaries here. Oh, and like most employees at these LPs, I know the difference between a sativa and an indica. Wow, I know......you must be impressed. *smirk*.........but I can tell the client rep was.....as she had no clue. Even the worst of dispensaries know infinitely more than any LP out there, whose SOLE purpose is to maximize profits for their shareholders. They piss me off. Almost as much as Harper did.
there is such a thing as ..too much of a good thing... (: why would anyone want to inhale a gram let alone two? The "oh it coats my lungs and I get it over the next couple days" :lol:
Eat a gram or two of oil and see what happens :) (don't do it if you know what's good for you)

As for $ 60 to $90 a gram...for oil? Shatter? What?

...that's like $ 65 g's/year if you have cancer and double that if you need to...

ya...LP's sound like an awesome deal when you can grow it and make for pennies on the dollar.

Sorry if this comes across the wrong way...

Yeah, it's ridiculous. But that's the times we live in; shows off whose entire value is based on their ability to waste money as they walk over or walk on the homeless. It's this kind of insanity that gives cannabis a bad name.

PS: don't mean to be a dunce, but how does one "like" another's post? Have had a few likes already and would like to return the compliments when warranted. But can't seem to find the link. May just be my browser; outdated old computer that won't allow me to update any of my browsers, so it may be an obvious link to others, but I can't see it....unless I am missing something?
Well do you have some money to buy meds ?
Sure. I can buy some meds. Just can't afford anywhere close to my prescription and I'm lucky if I can afford two meals a day. Usually, I just eat once a day. Even most of my big pharma meds aren't covered by disability. And if the post under is for me asking about Pink (Kush, I imagine) I did buy some great Pink Kush once, but never was able to access it again. I used to grow mainly Blueberry for myself and a friend who was also poor, but haven't grown in a few years now. Would love to grow a real Pink Kush and get my hands on a Blueberry again, along with a citrus sativa, like Lemon Haze or Orangina, as they worked well for me in the daytime. I'm beginning to think that growing is the only way for me to afford my script. I was the happiest I ever was, when I grew my own. It was a very small grow, but I tended and loved those plants into a heavy dose of trich production. I've always has a bit of green thumb though. But even seeds are outrageously priced.

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
Sure. I can buy some meds. Just can't afford anywhere close to my prescription and I'm lucky if I can afford two meals a day. Usually, I just eat once a day. Even most of my big pharma meds aren't covered by disability. And if the post under is for me asking about Pink (Kush, I imagine) I did buy some great Pink Kush once, but never was able to access it again. I used to grow mainly Blueberry for myself and a friend who was also poor, but haven't grown in a few years now. Would love to grow a real Pink Kush and get my hands on a Blueberry again, along with a citrus sativa, like Lemon Haze or Orangina, as they worked well for me in the daytime. I'm beginning to think that growing is the only way for me to afford my script. I was the happiest I ever was, when I grew my own. It was a very small grow, but I tended and loved those plants into a heavy dose of trich production. I've always has a bit of green thumb though. But even seeds are outrageously priced.
I'll pm you a possible solution to cheaper meds. Don't want everyone to know..... not even Dickster's gonna find out.

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
I'd be happy to give another legal med patients some free clones when you need em as well. That would get you going again if your able to grow. If you have pinks...I'd grow