LSA Trip


Well-Known Member
Just recieved my seeds friend has a coffee grinder so im going to do that tomorrow morning..soak in naptha for the hour and then set it to dry all day and night..then gonna let soak in that alcohol..shaking many times a day. So I hope it should be all done and evaped to the right amount by friday-sunday.
i highly suggest doing a crystal extraction. you do this by using the same method for extracting dmt except instead of using mimosa or any other dmt containing plant you use morning glory seeds.

the process isnt very long and can be found all over the internet. erowid has one if im not mistaken.


Well-Known Member
I posted an inquistion on a LSA on an other thread which I believe is entitled " Reseach chemicals.." and I basically said that LSA was a load of crap.. if you know the right extraction procedure then I guess all is well. On the otherside side of the spectrum lies trial and error, which throughout this whole thread was a handful of errors. This seems too tedious but erowid accounts seem so prolific to the rating of this subsidized version of LSD. The process seems simple enough but it looks like you fellows are using too much extraction material like alcohol that is causing a bad body load. I have not in any way tried synthesizing this stuff or attempting to try LSA. Remember many of these products carry other miscellenous byproducts that may play a role on how they affect the overall trip. Its like any extraction or synthesize... the products you use is basically how clean your product will turn out. Reevaluate and you make conquer it!


Well-Known Member
You Posted An 'Inquisition' 'on a LSA on an other thread'. My Question Is What The Hell Do You Mean By Inquisition. Did You Mean You Were Inquiring Into The Matter? Investigating It? Or Is This Like The Spanish Inquisition And Your Out To Completely Defame LSA? I Agree That There Has Been A Few Mistake Made On The Parts Of These People During Their Extraction But If Done Properly The End Product Would Be Nothing More Than An LSA Laced 2 Milliliters Of Alcohol. I Assure You LSA Is Not A Load Of Crap. I Would Invite You To Try Some Of Mine So You Can Reevaluate And Maybe Conquer It For Yourself Mr. Ferninand II Of Aragon. :evil:

Please you do not have to get so high and mighty about it. I wasn't defaming these people for their experimentation. Didn't you see in that last part of my statment that I said their is an extraction that will work... and erowid accounts that speak highly of it. You seriously have to get off your high horse and keep your comments directed at the subject manner, which is LSA.... and stop reading your fairy books about knights and dragons. Again I am not opposed to trying LSA Im just a little apprehensive about the process and outcome. I rather just induldge in some psilocybin or some good old mdma without feeling the rigid consequences that Password351 exhibited. Naptha is not the best for the liver and kidneys if you know what I mean!


Well-Known Member

Awe... just woke up from a bday party filled with coronas and tequila yet feel good and energized... quite peculiar if i dont say so myself! Anywho, have you had any success with the LSA extraction? I am very eager to hear some good news on this matter! and dxm... what method or form did you consume dxm... i heard its in between the effects of Ketamine and Phenecylidine?


Well-Known Member
I posted this statment in another thread but I believe it better fits this thread as it addresses LSA directly:

Their are few interesting topics in this thread... one being that of LSA! The whole process with the seeds seem to be one big pain the ass and in the cranium. Ahhhhhhh LSA seems so close the alphabetical sequence or chemistry organization of LSD. The experience is quite dirty from a third party prospective. I too was thinking about commiting myself to the seed but after some extra consideration find it to be a waste of time and headspace. This is a naturally occuring psychedelic found in morning glory seeds or hawaiian baby woodrose seeds... the extraction of the hawaiian seems much more suitable and worthy of consumption... however the body load contributed to the experience seems to farfetched to play around with. The physcial attributes that it brings to bear seem very alarming as it causes most uses to become immobile. Again this doesn't bring to the table that the consumption is a bit of a hassle and may cause some stomach problems, but I wont emphasize on that too much since many psychedelics cause stomach issues (as they may interfere with the many serotonin glands that are arranged there). However, taking some Tubs or Immodium AD might give some relief from any of the above stated problems. Although, I have read several reports on LSA and they seem to give LSA a thumbs up for the effects and the aftermath. I wonder how many other psychedelics they have consumed... its like some people saying hell's bells is awesome, which in all due respect are direly wrong. If they knew any better its a poison, a deliriant.. and its not to heighten the senses its to stripe the knowing of senses, to remove and crush ones identity. I am still in the middle... I think I might be purchasing some hawaiian seeds and see whether or not its a farce based on bad subjective accounts. Anyone have some personal accounts from their LSA trips... and not to secondary cites that refer to erowid either!


Well-Known Member

Awe... just woke up from a bday party filled with coronas and tequila yet feel good and energized... quite peculiar if i dont say so myself! Anywho, have you had any success with the LSA extraction? I am very eager to hear some good news on this matter! and dxm... what method or form did you consume dxm... i heard its in between the effects of Ketamine and Phenecylidine?
I only drank 1.5ml soi m goin to take like 4ml. Hopefulyl it works..if not it was a waste.

Dxm I consumed Some generic Robitussin. 8 0z. Im going to be getting pure DXM. Much better for you.

And its only compared to a high dose of Ketamine in a high 4th plateau trip. Which I wouldnt try getting there with out pure.


Well-Known Member
Resorting to Robitussin that is quite disgusting Hairyllame... its very harsh on the body and the comedown is horrible... Leaves your brain in a sullen state. I am not saying this merely on speculation but on my subjective account I had with dxm that is contain in cough syrup medicine. The other products contain can be deadly and cause weird body highs. I partake in this voyage because one of my good buddies related a story from about this one mate who down a full bottle of it and expereinced a out of body expereince and it seem very likeable... something along the confines of lsd or something of that nature. Far wrong, I found the expereince to be very dirty and the way it reacted with my body was not kind.... It made me feel very hot, dizzy, racey heart at first, couldn't move... my mind felt out of range instead of being an enlightening experience... afterwards when the effects wore off my mind was very unstable. I couldn't concentrate or remember simple things... my speech was a bit messed up too. I have read numerous accounts on erowid on dissociatives and they are a very bad idea! The only dissociative that seems worthy of consuming is Ketamine.. it has the least amount of effects and the trip doesn't last too long, relatively short. This can explain the reason why scientists say the more your mind is in a dissociative state the more it effects the memory/ aggression mode relay system. Although pure dxm is of a different story/concept.


Well-Known Member
I love cough medicine =D. Thanks though. And how did my thread turn in to a DXM thread..HAha most do.

LSA is dead. Thanks. took 5ml and then an hour later took another 5ml..Didnt feel shit..So I drank the rest of my ethanol from the whole project.

So I only wasted 60bucks around =\.


Well-Known Member
Ok im dreading this but am going to do it right now..I have like 80mls left im mixing it with koolaid and going to down it. Hopefully I can salvage something out of this. The great one says 20000seeds should atleast have you one fantastic trip.


Well-Known Member
Ok so yeah I poured the rest in the koolaid and noticed the three different sets of liquids..the bottle obviously being the koolaid not sure if its headvier because of the sugar or what but then on top there was more of a dark brown liquid but inb the middle of the two kindof looked like what you would assume seamen would look in a dark liquid..not sure if that was the LSA or not. Ill be up for a while if im tripping and ill report.