LSD Dosage Effects - Tolerance

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i love acid most. the only limit to how much L can be taken is yourself. i have taken will over 1500mc many many times. tho i dont think a dose that high would be a good idea with just itself. but throw in a couple xannax logs to take the edge off and there isnt realy a limit to the amount you can take imo

Acid with tranquilizers is sort of like having sex with a condom on, you know what it SHOULD feel like but you are just a bit removed from the experience.

Take a lot of L, and watch this... see how long you can take it without shutting it off.. I had to shut it down because i couldn't stop laughing :lol:'


Just wait for it..

This works well on large groups of people frying

Take a lot of L, and watch this... see how long you can take it without shutting it off.. I had to shut it down because i couldn't stop laughing :lol:'


Just wait for it..

This works well on large groups of people frying

LMAO. Fucking hilarious
I would estimate that my first acid trip, which was at ultra (F yeah!) , fell somewhere between 150-200 mics. I took 2.5 hits over the course of 2 hours.

After ingesting 1.5 hits, my trip started with numbness, and feeling different for about an hour and a half. I was afraid my trip was going to be stuck in this state, so I ingested the other hits. About 45 minutes later, the color yellow became so apparent in the crowd. It was as if a black light was on, but the only color to fluoresce was yellow.

About half hour later, i was tripping. I began to experience closed eye visuals, and shortly after, open eye visuals. Sound distortion came on about the same time. Everything and everyone was radiating such positive energy. For the next 4 hours, I was so happy, i felt like i wanted to cry tears of joy. I began to think of issues in my life that were concerning me, and immediately resolved ALL of them. I was convinced that anything that made me feel this amazing would make me feel like utter shit the next day.

Boy, was I wrong. I woke up in the best mood of my life, as if i won the lottery and got laid the night before. I still feel great, even as im typing this.

I can't wait until the next time I'm able to find some acid.

I was literally searching for 2 years before i finally found acid. Hopefully it won't take that long before my next trip!
I would estimate that my first acid trip, which was at ultra (F yeah!) , fell somewhere between 150-200 mics. I took 2.5 hits over the course of 2 hours.

After ingesting 1.5 hits, my trip started with numbness, and feeling different for about an hour and a half. I was afraid my trip was going to be stuck in this state, so I ingested the other hits. About 45 minutes later, the color yellow became so apparent in the crowd. It was as if a black light was on, but the only color to fluoresce was yellow.

About half hour later, i was tripping. I began to experience closed eye visuals, and shortly after, open eye visuals. Sound distortion came on about the same time. Everything and everyone was radiating such positive energy. For the next 4 hours, I was so happy, i felt like i wanted to cry tears of joy. I began to think of issues in my life that were concerning me, and immediately resolved ALL of them. I was convinced that anything that made me feel this amazing would make me feel like utter shit the next day.

Boy, was I wrong. I woke up in the best mood of my life, as if i won the lottery and got laid the night before. I still feel great, even as im typing this.

I can't wait until the next time I'm able to find some acid.

I was literally searching for 2 years before i finally found acid. Hopefully it won't take that long before my next trip!

see how ENTHEOGENS can help you in your life....
even when you are not on them?
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The funny thing is that i was scared to death of acid, because i was under the impression that it makes individuals crazy.

I now realizes that it unleashes the crazy in crazy people, which is not a bad thing. If anything, it could lead to that person seeking and or receiving treatment sooner than they would have without having tripped.
I hear LSD makes you crazy ?
If you eat more than 5 hits in your life ...
Is that true ?


I remember while tripping, feeling angry at the adults in my life that told me how evil and dangerous all drugs are. Dangerous, ok maybe... but evil? That in it self is evil. Everyone must make their own decision about drugs, or anything in the world for that matter.

I felt deceived that I was given such false information about drugs. I feel so much better after drug binging for 4 days than if I were to be drinking. I am not advising anyone drug binge, nor am i saying that what i did was healthy, or even safe, but my experience just goes to show that this country has its priorities all mixed up.

Seeing how prescription pills, even when prescribed to the user, can cause a person's world to destruct is another example. I would rather be prescribed LSD than xananx or oxycontin ;)
Haha was reading this exact dose thing earlier on bluelight, its interesting :D all about 500mic dots!!

in all my experiences of taking lsd it seems like "mic" is just a selling tool. any one who can get legit L for a legit source doesn't bother with that nonsense. although i do wish that there was a way to figure out how many mics there are once i get the paper like a marquee test.

ive eaten L well over 50 times. i defiantly have built a mental tolerance to the substance. my hand touch apon some fluff needle point and some stuff named happy. needle point come on fucking thick ass paper that cannot dissolve [its the strongest] and the happy and fluff come on thin white or prefferated are about the same. on average i usually eat 5. my favorite mix is 3 needle 2 fluff and i have an amazing experience everytime. the needle point is strong my buddy has had a full lsd experience off one. full on closed eye visuals, lost of self and reality, after the confusion he had extreme clarity and he said had insane visuals and fryed for like 10 hours easy.

the craziest experience ive ever had was when i ate 2point and 2 fluff and it was about a year ago and i was at a desert party andi had just started spinning poi. i was spinning poi listening to pink floyd and iwas spinning with my eyes closed and all of a sudden i had this ofver whelming feeling of clarity and it was liek i had been spinning poi forever so i keep spinning and keep going deeper and deeper and all of a sudden i see this like inner spirit that is breathing and has a greenish earth color kinda liek a flow toy [i was spinning my flow toys btw] and it was liek i just understood everything and i broke through. i started sppinning poi switching planes like i had been spinning forever. i had though i had seen god or osmthing so i stop and goto car and im like tripping out telling my buddies what happend. they were kinda confused by me and i was super thirsty so i chugged some red gatorade and wanted to see my buddy at the party so i mobbed across the desert and spinning poi while im walking and im almost to the party and i get this overwhelming feeling of invincibility like im god or osmthing and im spinning poi in the zone and i feel my stomach start hurting and i start dry heaving and i fell to my knees and i starting throwing up a red substance and me being super high thought it was blood. so then i start thinking is this it?? is this how it ends? and im staring at the floor and i snap out of it and im thinking to myself wtf are you doing on the floor you just chugged a grip of Gatorade. your not dying... LOL and so i continue to the party and the first person i see is this guy i used to rave with and i look at him and say you want some acid? and he was like na man i odnt have nay money right now.... i was like dude FREE... [im sure i seemed out of my mind] and he was like na dude i dont wanna take your l from you..... all i say is FREE ACID and we started walking ot the car and im talking to him on the way about how i see ohm symbols in the flowtoys and how i feel like im invincible. so we get to the car and i had this feeling tha ti just wanna dose everyone i want every one on the same leverl as me so i hand everyone in the car acid and i hand my buddy that went on the mission with me 25hits and i all i say is go spread the love. he looked at me and was liek are you serious? i say do i look like im being serious? rigth then the wind blew 25 hits out of his hand and he gos and grabs it on teh floor and was like ok im going!!!!!

fucking insane trip the rest of the night i was feeling invincible i was trying to describe the feeling i was having and i had my jar of weed that had about an oz and i yel EVERYTHING IS NOTHING and start throwing my weed everywhere... LOL

any way that was my best l trip so far. my buddy couldn't express enough how lucky i was to experience a phenomenon like that and how thats why people take hallucinogens. i defiantly feel like L has chosen me to have that experience and i feel super lucky. doubtful il have an "god like" experience again
700 mics or 1 mg? It would be nice to say I ate 1 milligram of LSD. Wonder what difference the 300 extra would do?
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