LSD Dosage Effects - Tolerance

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its awesome though isn't it :-P, the closed eye visuals are absolutely INSANE i can't describe in words the things i've seen its amazing
i honestly have never taken 400 micrograms at one time.
I have taken around that amount before but spanned through out 24 - 42 hours.

Wish I could tell You what the visuals are like at that dose.
One does not get much visuals on spanned out doses of lsd.
However if One drops all at once... 200+ micrograms are great visuals but Im assuming not as good as 400 ugs.
phew hahahaha
The visuals I was having off that 200-250 micrograms last week was BEAUTIFUL

i can handle lsd really well
Good to see You back, @Mr. Bongwater :D
i drove on that high of a dose lol it was fucked, i think you try out that 400 ug dosage heatlessyou get these waves of warmth and its hell of a trip, i haven't tripped since early october though
i drove on that high of a dose lol it was fucked, i think you try out that 400 ug dosage heatlessyou get these waves of warmth and its hell of a trip, i haven't tripped since early october though
Why is everyone being so heady and pushy ? That isnt what psychedelics were made for.
Ever heard of intuition ?
I have so much respect for You too, @throwdo . Even though You may not take doses like mikek,
I really appreciate Your slow approach to taking LSD. So much respect, holmes.

Iv been doing alot of experiments with lsd latley so iv found with this needle point you can microdose into a trip and not get that heavy come up and still fry balls also i fill you can make the lsd go further
Iv been doing alot of experiments with lsd latley so iv found with this needle point you can microdose into a trip and not get that heavy come up and still fry balls also i fill you can make the lsd go further
Would You say it a wiser choice to do what You are doing?
Instead of diving in head first without any knowledge of the dosage , @throwdo ?
Yea i
Would You say it a wiser choice to do what You are doing?
Instead of diving in head first without any knowledge of the dosage , @throwdo ?
i do because you never no what your getting there making rc that pass regent test for lsd but have other chems in them , i did take one tab straight up the first time to see the full efect of tabs im about to buy some 200 aug tabs soon same seller older chemist supposed to be old school lsd25 he said its not needlepoint but you can tell that hes more seasond basically the tabs are off the chain

this is My first time ever dropping this much quality LSD25 at once...
I shall have a full trip report later.
Already hearing auditory hallucinations. Strong intuition knows.
Everything in it's place . JESUS BLESS YOU ALL.

this is My first time ever dropping this much quality LSD25 at once...
I shall have a full trip report later.
Already hearing auditory hallucinations. Strong intuition knows.
Everything in it's place . JESUS BLESS YOU ALL.

How much many mics is that looks like a heroic dose
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