Well-Known Member
I dont know but I like it... or when I come home from town full of speed and alcohoolI like get fcup with weed..It makes me catattonic....
I dont know but I like it... or when I come home from town full of speed and alcohoolI like get fcup with weed..It makes me catattonic....
u need to try good cocaineNever like either one they both suck
Dum dum i live on border of mexico kinda like you brag about Canada mdma well we have the best cocaine i just dont like the shit never didu need to try good cocaine
Speed is not meth,ateast in eu usnt..We do amphetamins which is childs plays if you compare it to meth.. I didnt even hear that there is meth in eu,and I was street dude.. I tried speed,lsd,xtc,mdma,hash,weed,coke.. For me only real drug is coke...you might as well do coke instead of that meth shit
coke isn't very good lolSpeed is not meth,ateast in eu usnt..We do amphetamins which is childs plays if you compare it to meth.. I didnt even hear that there is meth in eu,and I was street dude.. I tried speed,lsd,xtc,mdma,hash,weed,coke.. For me only real drug is coke...
meh@HeatlessBBQ How ya been brother? Haven't heard fr9m ya in quit some time hope all is well my friend
you dont get my point,onky really affictive thing of those id coke...coke isn't very good lol
Keep your head up buddy what doesn't kill you can only make you stronger. I know you are an incredibly knowledgeable individual and very intelligent also . W.e it is that's got ya feeling down and out , just remember you always have choices and try to stay positive and focus on getting threw it . I'm here if ya need som3on3 to talk to brotha
electricslide, I've been saying prayers for Heatless as well. He seems like a great guy. But, that's some scary stuff that went down, and I've seen shit first hand, being an old soul from the late 60's, I've seen friends and friends of friends loose everything. Their ability to cope and to function. They lost their jobs, their cars, relationships, houses, some became homeless and some, their life. I no longer understand why people choose to take substances like that... But, more over, it's free will. You can say prayers all you want, but if the person that you are praying for is not willing to accept your prayers and to open their heart, it's pointless. However, I will continue to pray for Heatless and his family, because it's the right thing to do and he does seem like a very genuine, unique person.
whats that supposed to mean?you dont get my point,onky really affictive thing of those id coke...