LSD Dosage Effects - Tolerance

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While under the influence of psychedelic drugs, and without a sufficient background or understanding of philosophy, psychology and theology, do you think it is possible for an individual to convince themselves of baseless fallacies and do themselves more harm than good?
Well if you ain't gonna answer bbq I will. Yes, just as a person is prone to make baseless fallacies when they are sober, even if they do have a background in philosophy, psychology and theology, so to can they make these fallacies on acid or mushrooms (the only two I have experience with), thing is on acid or mushrooms everything is amplified so these fallacious beliefs will likely stick with you and be woven into the fabric of you mind and personality, same with MDMA I just don't consider that a psychedelic, so this will leave you pondering for a few days after the trip just like trying to remember last nights dream, but whether you can make sense of it or not it is likely to shape shift your beliefs and perspectives, our brains are really just information processors, very powerful ones at that but still prone to misinformation and irrational thinking.
Well if you ain't gonna answer bbq I will. Yes, just as a person is prone to make baseless fallacies when they are sober, even if they do have a background in philosophy, psychology and theology, so to can they make these fallacies on acid or mushrooms (the only two I have experience with), thing is on acid or mushrooms everything is amplified so these fallacious beliefs will likely stick with you and be woven into the fabric of you mind and personality, same with MDMA I just don't consider that a psychedelic, so this will leave you pondering for a few days after the trip just like trying to remember last nights dream, but whether you can make sense of it or not it is likely to shape shift your beliefs and perspectives, our brains are really just information processors, very powerful ones at that but still prone to misinformation and irrational thinking.

Then how does an individual separate the lies from the truth? In your opinion. How do you trust ANY thoughts for that matter? Sober or not.

I have noticed some people hold up figments of an idea, proclaiming wisdom, yet without any reason behind it. To a stranger, it may appear to be inane ramblings of an unstable individual.

If some people lack the capability to communicate their knowledge in anyway that is understandable. What is the point in leaving a trail of nonsensical, broken half thoughts? Maybe some people are barely clutching onto sanity and only desire to appear wise and truthful?

This is just my opinion
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Then how does an individual separate the lies from the truth? In your opinion. How do you trust ANY thoughts for that matter? Sober or not.

I have noticed some people hold up figments of an idea, proclaiming wisdom, yet without any reason behind it. To a stranger, it may appear to be inane ramblings of an unstable individual.

If some people lack the capability to communicate their knowledge in anyway that is understandable. What is the point in leaving a trail of nonsensical, broken half thoughts?
Intuition you can never trust, logic you often break, but the five senses will never fool you, whether pain or Bliss, be right here, right now, just Be

Edit: unless of course your tripping lol, in which case reality is gone
Then how does an individual separate the lies from the truth? In your opinion. How do you trust ANY thoughts for that matter? Sober or not.

I have noticed some people hold up figments of an idea, proclaiming wisdom, yet without any reason behind it. To a stranger, it may appear to be inane ramblings of an unstable individual.

If some people lack the capability to communicate their knowledge in anyway that is understandable. What is the point in leaving a trail of nonsensical, broken half thoughts? Maybe some people are barely clutching onto sanity and only desire to appear wise and truthful?

This is just my opinion
Since you edited, I myself am schizophrenic, I am literally psychotic, the only sanity I have is thanks to my medication. That being said there is truth in this world, there is a tangible reality, stop thinking, just open your eyes, the secret is not that your thoughts create your reality, the secret is that the earth is Paradise, reality is heaven, eternity, not the mortal hell that your mind makes it out to be.
All right...

I have asked YOU ALL kindly to get back on topic.

I am reporting this to the moderators of
I would have kicked you off a long time ago but I am not an admin.
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All right...

I have asked YOU ALL kindly to get back on topic.

I am reporting this to the moderators of
I would have kicked you off a long time ago but I am not an admin.

Why don't you take a deep breath, relax and divine us with some of your abstract clip art wisdom that makes you appear deep and mysterious? That would probably put us back on track to talk about drugs.
HeatlessBBQ said,

"All right...

I have asked YOU ALL kindly to get back on topic.

I am reporting this to the moderators of
I would have kicked you off a long time ago but I am not an admin."

This conversation is on TOPIC ..... DO NOT DELETE @rollitup .

It is about the effects of LSD! And I am learning a lot from the last few pages! Very valuable information so PLEASE do not delete! Thank You. - quad breath
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(increments I mention will stay the same but the effects of upping it 100ugs becomes more intense than above the line.)


Heavy 'tripping' effects.
A lot like 2.5 grams - 7 grams of psilocybe cubensis [dried]. [Psychotic episodes may happen]
Strung out Time Lapses (senses leading up to moment/s) are very common while in the Astral Realms.
Tryptamine pressure and bodily sensations. Some are reporting an "ego death" or the feeling of losing Your body / ego.
There is a hypersensitivity to 'self', temperature, and the environment.
Unusual thoughts, actions, and speech is common. Jaw clenching.
Overwhelming muscle aches, energy / body shivers and noticeable tryptamine shakes with LSD.
[Which is not only exhausting but could provoke a psychotic episode.]
Disorientation, disassociation and confusion can happen; which could lead to unwanted or dangerous experiences.
"May be difficult to walk and will be difficult to understand normal day to day activities."
Look more into 'disorientation' and how that can be an unpleasant experience; to say the least.

400 ugs- ~ Intense hallucinations and visuals.
[i.e. everything is in motion, objects can breathe or turn into other objects..etc].
Strong visions and imaginative experiences {see 'Strung out Time Lapses'}.
Empathy and understanding in the 'self', ego, universe, or other such names.
There is a dissolving into consciousness.
[1/3 identity loss, or You find Yourself contradicting multiple things simultaneously.]
There can be some blending of the senses (i.e. feeling colors etc..).
Disorientation, disassociation and confusion may appear.
Time distortions and some "moments of eternity". Mystical intervention.

This is where You can really start to lose touch with reality.
400+ micrograms is considered a Heavy dose of LSD.

500 ugs- Hallucinations and visuals are absolutely present.
[i.e. fractals lay over everything, there can be some x-ray vision, Things start talking to You...etc]
n,n-DMT body high. Time becomes meaningless. Alice in wonderland like scenarios.
Powerful - Profound life changing experiences. Futuristic / historic visual improvements.
Some loss of reality. Intense dissolving and separation of the ego; strong empathy.
Strong energy stimulant, instinctual force, and psychedelic movement.

600ugs- is very similar to 500ugs.

Level 3 - 4 ~ {400ugs - 750ugs} ~ LSD

(increments I mention will stay the same but the effects of upping it 150ugs becomes more intense than above the line.)

Heroic 'tripping' effects. A lot like 7+ grams of psilocybe cubensis {dried}.
[Psychotic episodes and/or blackouts are common]

750 ugs - Life changing personal revelations;
[Idealistic, antagonistic, spiritual, and mystical experiences.]
OBE, NDE and ESP type phenomena is common. Fractals will be present.
Profound, intense, detailed, digitally moving, and animated kaleidoscopic flower of life visuals
[much like DMT-more CEV than OEV].
Difficulty integrating visuals or recalling experience [not to mention the length].
Obvious blending or confusion of the senses (i.e. smelling or tasting colors, seeing music etc..).
Intense trails, after imaging, and perspective convergences.
Total trip lasts around 16-18 Hours. Side effect hang over effects last 24+ hours.

[ This is where "more acid" becomes less important because the effects are very similar to an even higher dosage {with no tolerance}. Also... This is also where "more acid" becomes less important because the visuals and effects dissipate {with a tolerance} ] (Exhaustion is common. There will be a lot of tiredness the next day.)
Taking a day off or two from work after the experience is a really good idea.

1,000 ugs - CAUTION/DANGER: Most people won't go there without a tolerance.
Rapid come up and intense tryptamine rushes.
Fierce energy and Lysergic power [psychedelic movement x2].
Overwhelming Strung out Third Eye time lapses.
The transition between each moment seems to blends together.
[Reports of experiencing past, present, and future events happening; all at once.]
Almost complete loss of ego; 3/4 identity loss, getting close to that saturation point.
{With No Tolerance} Closed eye visuals appear 20-30 minutes in and are absolutely breathtaking.
{With No Tolerance} Sense of death or sense of ceasing to exist is common. {750-1,200+ugs}
-Amazing things happen on this dose; no matter what.

LSD is much like any benzodiazepine at heavy-heavier dosages!
LSD at higher dosages can bring on dissociative-like effects; which can be very dangerous!!!

During the peak of a 'Ten Strip', all You can basically see is visuals.
For some, physical motion is immensely disassociating, difficult or disorienting.
Unwanted and overwhelming experiences can arise if not prepared or experienced.
- Astounding / Terrifying [250 mics x 4].

Level 4 - Level 5 ~ {750ugs - 1,200ugs +} ~ LSD


Very Heroic 'tripping' effects. A lot like 10+ grams of psilocybe cubensis [dried].
Complete loss of ego, reality, and mental coordination.

1,200 ugs- "The Saturation Point" -
This dosage and higher is when Your neuroreceptors are flooded with the molecule [LSD-25].
With no tolerance, You get the furthest You can possibly go while still having the slightest touch with reality.
Even though what is going on is completely changed, altered, and lysergic. Mystical intervention x2.
Complete loss of reality. Where the 'impossible' becomes "Possible".
It would scare most people shitless because they were not ready for that dose.
[It's a lot like 750ugs just getting a little too dangerous]

1,500 ugs- Very few people have used this much LSD at once.
Paranoia, terror, panic, and mania are very common at these doses.
It is VERY psychologically dangerous for some people to do this dose.
Extremely profound 'ego death' effects. [100%]
Profound loop / thought lessons. Satorienlightenment (and other such labels).
[It's almost exactly like 1,200 micrograms and 1,700 micrograms.]

Level 5 ~ {1,200ugs +} ~ LSD


More research notes: All dosage information on the effects of LSD may vary person to person.
Each microgram {ug} benchmark and trip level reached is pretty spot on [in this thread].
However, You may experience some of the effects said in other microgram ranges. Also if You were to take 1,500 micrograms {for example} over a period of time [6-10 hours] in consecutive dosages [total trip/s {together} lasting 16+ hours], You technically can get some of the said effects from that said dosage range. More information found underlined in RED & 750ugs section of this thread. It is important to stay informed and updated with Your doses, knowledge, and quality of LSD.


"A dose 700 mics [level 4] and above will show anyone some very profound things.
Doses like 500 ugs [level 3 - level 4]+ and above have changed many lives
in both positive and negative ways."

At this point, I'm pretty sure you simply copy and paste information that is readily accessible from a google search. Do you actually have any pictures or a step by step of your own experience on making or dosing LSD? I have been active again for the last couple months and I have yet to see you make an actual post where you are growing plants or fungus.
All right...

I have asked YOU ALL kindly to get back on topic.

I am reporting this to the moderators of
I would have kicked you off a long time ago but I am not an admin.

Lmao that's not how this works. You do not own this thread and hold no sway over whom posts or what gets posted sorry. This is a public forum and this is a public thread.

I'm sorry that it doesn't seem like you can enjoy an actual conversation about anything. You seem to only enjoy reposting the exact same cut and paste info just to make this thread longer.

Others of us actually enjoy real discussion. And what better place to talk about LSD and it's affects then a thread about LSD and it's affects.....
At this point, I'm pretty sure you simply copy and paste information that is readily accessible from a google search. Do you actually have any pictures or a step by step of your own experience on making or dosing LSD? I have been active again for the last couple months and I have yet to see you make an actual post where you are growing plants or fungus.

Google: lsd dosage effects + tolerance

You really seem like an intelligent and considerate individual. Assuming you are from the San Francisco area, I am guessing you are one of the many uneducated homeless people living in squalor?
I don't have to be cruel to you, because you are already living a painful and terrible life.
If telling you to make something of yourself and become educated makes you want to kill me with a bat, what does that say about you? Do you resent it when people tell you to stand up and help yourself? For that matter what is it preventing you from being a happy and successful person? It seems to me that you want to create pain and suffering in the world because you personally are suffering in pain.
I have been around the world, I have been to Syria, Libya and the UAE. I know what war and pain look like. I know what war and pain feel like. I'm pretty sure the only thing you truly know is suffering with vagabonds and reprobates. Probably because you take comfort in suffering with others like you. I hope one day you lift yourself out of your squalor. You don't need to suffer.

Google: lsd dosage effects + tolerance

I guess you did provide a snappy little GIF to enhance your copy and paste work. You are indeed deep, wise and mysterious. Please provide your years of wisdom to my eager eyes and ears. Preferably with vague pictures and plagiarized, readily available information. Make sure you don't express any tangible thoughts and make sure you don't express them in a way that anyone but you know what they mean.
To appear wise and powerful one must shroud themselves with vagueness.

Why don't you make a guide with pictures on how to dose your LSD properly? I'm pretty sure you don't know how to synthesize ergot grain fungus, did the dead heads get tired of your nonsense? Perhaps your only claim to fame is wandering around parking lots pretending to sell beer and snacks, while you sell weak blotter acid manufactured by groupies. Very deep and mysterious indeed....
Lmao that's not how this works. You do not own this thread and hold no sway over whom posts or what gets posted sorry. This is a public forum and this is a public thread.

I'm sorry that it doesn't seem like you can enjoy an actual conversation about anything. You seem to only enjoy reposting the exact same cut and paste info just to make this thread longer.

Others of us actually enjoy real discussion. And what better place to talk about LSD and it's affects then a thread about LSD and it's affects.....

Exactly! Thank you for stating the obvious. I hope the whiners take this as gospel.

Also, Wildcard008 has deleted his posts soon after posting.

The only posts that I've deleted are HeatlessBBQ's spam posts and nudity. None of that is gonna fly!

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