LSD or Shrooms?


Well-Known Member
hehe i got a friend whos in school for chemistry... one day, one day.
Dude, so am I. I'm going to Sierra College now but will be going to Berkely in the next few yearsbongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie. I've done the research into making acid, it is so amazing that it was invented in the first place, WOW. So many hard to obtain(and use) chemicals, you even need a nitrogen atmosphere for one of the chemicals that you put in the mix. I dout i will ever make true LSD but I will freakin try.


Well-Known Member
Dude, so am I. I'm going to Sierra College now but will be going to Berkely in the next few yearsbongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie. I've done the research into making acid, it is so amazing that it was invented in the first place, WOW. So many hard to obtain(and use) chemicals, you even need a nitrogen atmosphere for one of the chemicals that you put in the mix. I dout i will ever make true LSD but I will freakin try.

haha nice! well thats 2 people... its hard but not impossible.. someone is bound to get it right one day.


Well-Known Member
eh hem.. guys, are you looking at the original fucking synthesis? lol.

Take a look at Shulgin's synthesis, TIHKAL #26

^ much nicer eh?

Check the commentary down at the bottom after the tek, you'll see the precursors that have been used over the years.. interesting, but a much easier to grasp synthesis.
great info shepj.

yea thats not gonna be easy... to say the least. hehe


Well-Known Member
great info shepj.

yea thats not gonna be easy... to say the least. hehe
oh by far. diethylamine I've read is the hardest to get in this time period. Feds have it black listed as straight illegal over a .5 grams. So unless we find the sourse of it we might have to settle with LSA:-|


Active Member
I wouldn't worry too much about Diethylamine. It can be made from ethanol and anhydrous ammonia under high pressure and temps, and then separated from by-products. Anyone check out Otto Snow's book simply titled "LSD"? Alot of useful info (not all of it practical.) Shep mentioned Shulgin's synth from Tihkal. It sounds real nice and clean if one had all the materials at hand. I wonder how much Claviceps Purpurea or Claviceps Paspalii someone would need overall to yield a few grams of final product, because you wouldn't really need too much more than that. I wonder how hard it would be to meet Tim Scully. He learned how to synthesize LSD from Owsley Stanley, am i right on this, Shep? I know he speaks at conventions and such.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
I don't know what you guys are thinkin man.. ET is harder to get than Diethylamine.

SalCato, you were close..

EtOH (ethanol) + aNH3 (anhydrous ammonia) + H2SO4 (sulfuric acid) --> Diethylamine

There are other ways.

Like you said man, I wouldn't worry about diethylamine. Ergotamine Tartrate is the hard one to get.


Well-Known Member
Like you said man, I wouldn't worry about diethylamine. Ergotamine Tartrate is the hard one to get.
Ok then the real problem is how to get a sufficiant yeild of ergot. I've read dozens of reports saying it's incredible difficult to almost impossible. Question is how?:confused:


Well-Known Member
how hard could it be to make mold...
wow, you don't get it. it's the ergotamine produced by the mould that we need and the mould doesn't always produce even a decent amount. I would take fields and fields of wheat to get the amount nessecary to start and ashberry movement again.


Active Member
Idk shrooms were fucking amazing when i did em the 2nd time the 1st was iight I was jus rediculously high but that 2nd time was just great, some of the best 4 hours of fun ha


Oracle of Hallucinogens
wow, you don't get it. it's the ergotamine produced by the mould that we need and the mould doesn't always produce even a decent amount. I would take fields and fields of wheat to get the amount nessecary to start and ashberry movement again.
no kidding.. that's why it is not done. Anyone have bad headaches? (cafergot) lol.


Active Member
I don't know about "fields and fields". There's definitely alot of variables there. I mean, what size fields are we talking about here? Acres? How many rye plants per square yard? How many possible kernals on each plant can there be (on average)? How many kernals per plant will be taken over by the Claviceps fungus? Would it be more cost effective to grow the grass which Claviceps Paspalii infects? From what I've read, Paspalii produces more ergot alkaloids than Purpurea does. And the final question: Are we all just talking, or are any of us really going to do this, eventually? No disrespect intended.


Active Member
ive never done any drug exept weed.... i've decided im going to do shrooms before acid. im only going to do a little bit for my first time so i dont get too high or get a bad trip, i just want to get a feel for it. does anyone know a site or video or anything that would help give me and idea what to expect... im a little sketched about visuals getting to me after a while.


Well-Known Member
I don't know about "fields and fields". There's definitely alot of variables there. I mean, what size fields are we talking about here? Acres? How many rye plants per square yard? How many possible kernals on each plant can there be (on average)? How many kernals per plant will be taken over by the Claviceps fungus? Would it be more cost effective to grow the grass which Claviceps Paspalii infects? From what I've read, Paspalii produces more ergot alkaloids than Purpurea does. And the final question: Are we all just talking, or are any of us really going to do this, eventually? No disrespect intended.
I can't speak for others but I have a more then basic knowledge of the synthasis. And ya i'm talking acres if we use wheat. if you can find a better way of producting ergot then i would really like to know.


Well-Known Member
I can't speak for others but I have a more then basic knowledge of the synthasis. And ya i'm talking acres if we use wheat. if you can find a better way of producting ergot then i would really like to know.
im gonna see you int he news sooon looool

" man with acres and acres of fields of wheat trying to produce lsd got busted! loool "

sorry imso chung right now.