LSD Scrog | 400w | RDWC


Well-Known Member
more crazy ass shit happening right now, the transformer outside my house blew up 3 times, crazy sparks and shit, the top of the pole is all hanging and shit. Broken and hanging just by the wires. Holy fuck it was loud.m hopefully it doesnt keep the power out too long, posting this on my laptop before the power goes out while they fix it. IDK how long my water will stay oxygenated but hopefully they will live. wish me luck.,


Well-Known Member
Luckily it was POURING out when this happened. The electric guy i was talking to outside said that the pole must of taken some damage from the tornado last week and just gave out today. Like i said if it wasnt raining the pole would have caught fire. Heres a pic for you guys. Cell pic, bad quality but you get the point. Also is it terrible that i always think about my plants before myself/anyone else? LOL



Well-Known Member
Thankfully it rained and saved a possible fire.
I think it's natural after all the care,attention and time gone into to the plants that their welfare would be high on the list of priorities after people and pets etc in such circumstances.
At least in soil or soiless they will manage without light for a while but hydro isn't so forgiving without power.
Glad all is well with them and yourself.


Well-Known Member
Glad things are ok man, been a crazy couple weeks it seems. I've never had it happen at my house, but it happened about a half a block away and I heard it like it was at my house so I can only imagine.


Well-Known Member
dude so funny, when it was exploding i yelled at my girlfriend, "CALL THE FUCKING FIRE DEPARTMENT". As im yelling im sprinting to my grow room to unplug everything lmfao, im so dramatic.


Well-Known Member
lol. I've heard one go from a lightning strike. Big flash of lightning, then explody sound, then thunder. Scared the hell out of us.


Well-Known Member
Thats always how it is here when there is a lightning storm real bad. If the power goes out, one of us is running to the breaker box to turn it off so it doesn't hot start back up.


Well-Known Member
Are those all from different seeds? The leaves on two of my five LSD phenos look much more sativa-ey, like the last picture. They also have way more stretch.

mr rodzilla

New Member
Took a minute to catch up but im here now --- nice looking ladies you got their ---------- got me thinking about getting in on this scrog thingy! subd' !


Well-Known Member
Day 35 Flowering,

Bad news, somehow i had a few bananas in the under canopy, knew exactly what was going down the second i saw a giant swollen calyx. I checked all over the top buds twice and couldn't find any male parts besides near the screen.

What should i do? Go through and rip em all out or let it ride? Will the seeds produced be hermi 100%? Kinda pissed right now but it doesnt look like its effecting the tops at all, just lower shit. Need some input from all.

On a good note look how fucking frosty these bitches are? Holy shit this is going to be some potent shit.



Well-Known Member
Man thats a tough call, since you don';t have other plants to worry about pollenating I might say ride it out. You've got alot of time into it already, and even if it ends up partly seeded as frosty as its getting it will still be good smoke. The seeds would prolly be a high % of hermis I don't know about 100%, but i think a high %.