Lst 12/12?


Can I start sexing a plant that ive just started low stress training about a week ago or will that stress it out to much? I understand that cloning is the way to go but due to certain circumstances this is not possible for me to do at this time. that said can i put a plant on 12/12 that im LOW STRESS TRAINING?
Can I start sexing a plant that ive just started low stress training about a week ago or will that stress it out to much? I understand that cloning is the way to go but due to certain circumstances this is not possible for me to do at this time. that said can i put a plant on 12/12 that im LOW STRESS TRAINING?

Yep, sure can, that's kinda what your supposed to do.

LST in my experience is done during veg state.

So when you flip them 12/12 they have already been tied for days or weeks.



If the pics u posted are the plants to go to 12/12 don't. Let them get some size those look to young unless u want very small plants. How old are they?


If the pics u posted are the plants to go to 12/12 don't. Let them get some size those look to young unless u want very small plants. How old are they?
its a month and a half from seed i want to put it on 12/12 see if its a boy or girl then put it back to veg on 24 hour cycle is it ok to do this with it being so small?


Well-Known Member
what kind of lights are you using?
i recently did a 12/12 grow and plants were much bigger at month and half...

did straight 12/12 and plants were 36" tall and about to be harvested so i will then find the yield i get

but yes you can 12/12 to see sex, and then reveg if you wanted... some say it is a lot of stress but theres no reason you cant do it


Well-Known Member
you certainly can! I've been growing a white russian clone on 12/12 since the day I got her home, and have been LSTing aswell. I've got pix if you wanna see, but yea it's fine! LST (Low Stress Training) Is exactly that, "LOW STRESS" It really does not hurt the plant much at all. All you are really doing is tying down the main stem lower than the rest of the branches, which makes all the side branches shoot up! All in All creating an even canopy thus more than 1 main cola. LST ALL THE WAY!