LST - CFL - DIY closet build n grow (Strawberry Cough, Lost Lacy, Bagseed)


Well-Known Member
hooked if u use straight water for 2 weeks then u shouldnt really need to run through the 4 gallons first. this is what i would do though if its gonna go another 2 weeks. just give it straight water an mallases for the first week and then at the start of the last week hit it with 3 times the amount of water than your pot size so 2 gal pot means 6 gal of water and than just use plain water and mallese still till finish. if u flush 2 weeks ahead of time the plant might not live till the end . so let her use up what she has stored in the soil for the first week then wash it all out and she will probably start to yellow out and look like shes finishing.

and as for letting the soil dry out, i would say yes let it dry out almost completety. the dryer it is when u pick the less water all the stems and leave and buds will have in them, also makes drying quicker and less chance of mold do to less moisture. i dont do the 24-48 hour thing though. i just harvest them right after the last 12 hour dark period. nature doesnt have 24-48 hours of dark in a row so i think mine dont either


Well-Known Member
Ok sweet MC thanks! That's what I was hoping I would hear. And that's the plan! Yea I'm not gonna do the prolonged dark period. I honestly just think that's an old wives tale. Ooohhhhhhh I'm getting excited! haha


Well-Known Member
well the dark hours is when the trichomes really grow , when the light is on it degrades them and then repair themslves in the night cycle. but i think a natural 12 hours off would be plenty. ive seen some grows where people took the same strain, aged plant and every thing and one went into the dark for 48 hours the other one chopped as soon as lights turned on and the reson production was the same, theris alot of myth out theri when their really shouldnt be i dont know who or why someone would put some of the stuff thats out out on here. although the 24-48 hours darkness is reasonable compared to some i have read


Well-Known Member
I would say you have a great opportunity to compare flush and no flush.. it is only schwag weed right keep feeding the other one and now you have a taste test w/o the risk of ruining fine quality weed. I heard letting the pot dry out makes it dry faster so its what i have done my plants where dry from hanging in 2-3 days. Granted I didnt have humungus colas got 66g dry off 2 plants. did u see my first harvest if not i can give you a link =D and the lights out period shocks the plant causing it to create more resin glands. but i dont have anything to compare to so if it makes sense to you i say do it. it was cool for me though becuase my plants got a purple tint to em cuz got cold while lights were out for 72 hours


Well-Known Member
i have seen a camparison of the lights off for that long it doesnt do nothing spectacular at all. also i have also done the flush test my self. same strain same age and every thing. the flushed weed was much smoother. no crackiling or nothin. i always try to flush correctly and when i dont the weed is usally a bit harsh and bitter tasting. also if u let it get cooled when the lights are out for the 12 hours it does the same thing. and u say the lights shock the plant well a shocked plant doesnt produce much when its stressed so i would think it woul be worse to do so just cuz u stress it doesnt mean it will be better.


Well-Known Member
i hear ya theri if u dont campare your self or know somone and seen the camparison, people shouldt say it cuz thats how grow techniqes that dont work well are popular


Active Member
Lol. Weren't me and you talikin about this the other day Purp? Think I'm gonna try the old man's method,but only for 2 weeks not three like he said. But I don't think I'll mess with the lights. Probably un plug it the last night,and whenever I get up they get cut. But mine may finish at different times,and I may harvest twice on a few. Like I said,play it by ear. Plus that's 10 or 11 weeks away. I got time.


Well-Known Member
Hey thanks for all the reply's guys!

I actually ended up chopping both schwag plants last night. I figured the one that hasn't been completely flushed, has still gotten nothing but water and molasses for the past week and a half, so it should be good enough for me sinch it's a swag plant. I wasn't planning on harvesting both, but just couldn't help myself. And now I have room for the 3 ohter girls that need to get up there imidately! lol, Anyways I got alot of the trimming done and took some pix. Didn't even think to take pix till everything was hanging in the dry box. So you can't really see the buds all to well. I would say that at leaset 7 of the nugs are gonna weigh 7+ g's dry... We'll see though. I actually got a digi finally, ordered it off for like $2.50, well worth it!

lol, on a side note, when my roomate was coming home from work yesterday, he said that within 10 feet of the front door he could smell weed..... I'm glad that the 4plex I live in is so chill! Cuz that shit made me paranoid as fuck, even though I'm doind nothing wrong. Old habits die hard I guess hu?
lol, The chick I had over later last night said the same thing "Damn!!!!! It smells like WEED in here!" lol

Alright well here are some pix. I'll take some better one's whenever I feel like pullin the buds out of that box. But untill then, this is what ya get! haha



Well-Known Member
looks good for a early pull. enjoy and try to make it last so u dont have to buy some more or chop early again. u still got flowering plants that should be done in a few weeks right. also i know what u mean about bein paranoid even though were legal. i actually am more paranoid now that i have it cuz its much easier for cops to find u and fuck with u i got raided 1 month after i got my card and still waitin on court cuz the cops set me up. and the buds look much bigger than i though they were gonna be good job


Well-Known Member
looks good for a early pull. enjoy and try to make it last so u dont have to buy some more or chop early again. u still got flowering plants that should be done in a few weeks right. also i know what u mean about bein paranoid even though were legal. i actually am more paranoid now that i have it cuz its much easier for cops to find u and fuck with u i got raided 1 month after i got my card and still waitin on court cuz the cops set me up. and the buds look much bigger than i though they were gonna be good job
Hey thanks MC, it's much appreciated dog! I'm happy with it, and it'll definitely last, I won't have to be harvesting again early... I hate the cops man, it's like they're out to get us for some reason, I HATE it! haha.. That sucks you got raided man, I didn't know that shit... That's FUCKED up! I hope everything works out in your favor!

Here are a couple more pix of most of the girls...



Well-Known Member
plants are lookin good bro, looks like your learnin alot and puttin it to some good use, the more you grow the more you know. and ya it sux i got raided but i lawyered up so i should be fine but its almost been a year since it happend and still waitin on the courts to get me in and what not to go to trial. im pretty sure all charges are gonna be dropped though


Active Member
Gettin' pinched would be the worst. Were no causing any harm. Plus were just putting a lil' more green back in the world.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys so I've got to apologise. I've gotten UBER lazy with the pix lately... Pretty much everything is going great. Just been spending a LOT of time with the new girlfriend. So haven't been spending AS much time with the girls in the closet... But they're all healthy and looking good!

~I harvested the Strawberry Cough over the weekend, prob had about 20% amber trich's give or take. Some of the buds on this plant were straight rediculous! lol
~I've still been smoking on, and still have alot of the Schwagseed bud left. It does the job so I can't complain.
~I will be harvesting Lacy whenever this strawberry cough is dried and ready to go into jars. There's just not enough room in the dry box for more than 1 plant.

So I apologise about not having any recent pix. I'm not gonna lie, I probably won't end up taking any more pictures untill most of it is trimmed, dried and cured. I would never end the journal without posting some bud porn! :)

So just hang in there, and here within the next week or whatever I'll try to get some bud shots!


Well-Known Member
oh come ou atleast gotta give us a before harvest and after harvest shots. also it sounds like you got the perpetual down now so u wont need to buy weed ever again unless u want to test it to see if u wanna grow it


Well-Known Member
oh come ou atleast gotta give us a before harvest and after harvest shots. also it sounds like you got the perpetual down now so u wont need to buy weed ever again unless u want to test it to see if u wanna grow it
Grats on that For Sure!
If only I had two rooms, if i can ever get these autos treated right maby ill get a stagger going but there so many plants i want to grow that arnt auto none of the autos really appeal to me like the photoperiod plants.. but grats again and yeah we need b4 and after on the next one... if not then we wonna see how bad he girl is thats making you so lazy lol:shock::weed:


Well-Known Member
lol, well we just had some neighbors move in next door. Right across our balcony. And there hasn't been anybody living there for the past 6 months. So I was pulling a plant down out of the closet, and didn't realize that our blinds were all the way open, as were there's. So if there happened to be anybody looking towards me at that moment in time they would have FOR SURE seen me walkin around my apt with a big ol plant in my hands. I still don't know if they DID see me or not, I really don't think so. But that got me UBER paranoid like, RIGHT after it happened. So I pretty much cut the plant down that second and put it in the dry box and then cut down some of my rooted clones and threw them away so that I am now at the legal limit on my plants just incase I had any un expected visitors.

And it's because I was super paranoid that I didn't take any pix before chopping down the SC. I just cut it down and hung it up all within a 2 minute time span just so that I would have 1 less 'plant'. I am now at the legal limit though, so I have nothing to worry about. I will make SURE and take some before/after harvest pix of LACY before I chop her. Just started flushing her so here in like 2 weeks I'll be harvesting again.

But my girl is busy tonight, so I don't have any plans. I'll see about pulling out some of the Schwagseed buds out and some of the strawberry cough nugs that are drying to take some pix for you guys. And then the new plants up in flower aswell.

Yea I've got the perpetual down now for sure which is really exciting for me! It's funny cuz the money that I'm now not spending on weed anymore, is getting spent on the girlfriend! hahaha, it's all good tho, she's WELL worth it! I picked up some Bubble Purps, and some Purple Voodoo from the dispensary not to long ago and I tell ya man. It was some really good smoke, but some people really just don't know how to trim there buds correctly! The Bubble Purps was extremely leafy!... Both still quite good tho, sorry I didn't even think to take a pic.

lol, and on a side note. Just thought this was funny. But I went to a party this weekend with my girl, it was a lot of fun. Anyways I went out on the porch to smoke a cig (I don't bring weed with me when I'm driving unless it's a road trip or I'm gonna be gone for more than a day) So I went out to smoke a cig, someone ends up passing me a pipe so I hit it and say sorry man, if I'd have known others were gonna be smoking I would have brought a little. Anyways they all get ridiculously baked and then start talking about "Dude, have you ever tried to grow a weed plant? Oh man it's so hard, you have to have the right lights, and the right temperature and humidity and all this stuff, it's really hard!" And all I could think about the ENTIRE time was "Man if these guys had any idea of what's un my closet they would cream themselves" lol, but of course I didn't say anything and just agreed with them. That it is very hard to grow! (not) lol, I just found that entertaining!


Well-Known Member
ahsux u had to trash some plants but hey just try to stay legal, i know its hard with the laws though, they are all stupid and shit. i always try to stay at the legal limit though, i walk around with my indoor plants outside somtimes and live right in the city, i dont mind if some one sees because 1 im legal and 2 i have a pitbull and really good locks on my doors. and i dont mind takin out someone myself from time to time. and it sounds like you have been gettin alot of purps lately, now u just need to get a purple strain. and yes a female that isnt a plant is always nice to spend some time and money on. cant put plants before life. and thats a pretty funny lil story about the party guys, everyone make sit out to be really hard for some reason i even did to when i first started growing cuz i thought everything needed to be perfect