LST: Did i do it right?


Well-Known Member
Looks right to me, wait a few hours it will perk up an you will see the tops reaching towards the light.


Well-Known Member
Tie them down so when they turn towards the light they form an even canopy so all the tops produce the same amount.
You can do some more work on it later.

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Well-Known Member
get it in a bigger pot first, imo, and bend at a harsher degree on some of them. at lest 90 degrees to get the hormones(auxins) stimulated.


You are off to a good start. Start topping or fimming every week or so and continue to pull tall growth to side and down. Check out my pics. They are the same plane after LST and repotting in big ass pot 3 weeks ago. This plant is nearly 3 months old. I have more just like it. Notice it is now a bush with many more tops (bud sites) right under the light.. Nice even canopy around edges and middle exposed to encourage new middle growth. before LST.jpgafter LST same plant.jpgsame plant after LST.jpg

ttsame plant.jpgtopping and fimming are great techniques. hope my pictures help


You can absolutely clone them. I will top a taller one ( especially if height limitations) to make a nice thick stem clone. Thats if you can be patient enough to wait for the new tops to develop, otherwise you lose a top which equals a cola(main bud)