LST during flowering?


I've got a plant that has been flowering for like 2.5 weeks. That number is a little misleading because about a 1.5 weeks into flowering, my wife pinched off a lot of bud sites. I flipped it back to veg for a week but after talking with a friend and doing some research, I put it back into flower. So total 2.5 weeks of 12/12 but there was a week of 24 hr in between. Well this thing is super bushy now. Or at least I feel like it is. There are a lot of bud sites that I think could benefit from more light. I have it under a 400w HPS. Can I LST during flowering or is there something else that might help to open it up? It's my first grow and I like what I'm seeing. Trying to limit my screw ups after the incident with the wifey. Any advice would be appreciated.


Well-Known Member
wives and pets are the worst thing to let into your grow room.
You definatly can do LST during flower but should avoid high stress training techniques such as topping and super cropping. Id keep a close eye on your plants as these constant changes in light cycle could potentially cause hermies


Well-Known Member
ya LST is fine just dont do anything that will stress the plant like breaking limbs. if you have to, do just a little bit a day and let the plant adjust.


I've been worried about it turning hermie on me. That's why I've been reluctant to do anything because I didn't want to stress it out any more.


Well-Known Member
I've been worried about it turning hermie on me. That's why I've been reluctant to do anything because I didn't want to stress it out any more.
just pulling the limps apart a little isnt going to stress them at all. but if you pinch or snap a limb while doing so that will definitely stress the plant. changing your light schedule like you did is probably the number one cause creating hermies. it wasnt changed long so you'll probably be alright but from now on be very careful not to do anything to stress it anymore. good luck with it!


I got a few different answers about what I should've done after the wife issue. So I went with what seemed like the smart thing to do. Hindsight is 20/20. Lesson learned.


Well-Known Member
wives and pets are the worst thing to let into your grow room.
My pets are trained perfectly to stay out of my grow room. My wife however, has to be put on her choker leash and tied outside while the door is open.



Well-Known Member
I do it all the time, no big deal, as long as you don't stress it too much like most have said.