LST(ls stress training) ???????????????question about how much is to much


Active Member
so im growing 5 ak48 from nirvana....105_0182.jpg105_0184.jpg105_0185.jpg105_0186.jpg105_0187.jpg105_0188.jpg iv been LSTin them for a few days but my question is can i tie every branch i topped and it is developing good i have tied down the main stem parallel to the ground
and most of the other branches the same way so it is completely open should i do maby 2 or 3 branches at a time or can i do all at once?


Active Member

WHY IZ DER A FAN OUTSIDE!? yer soil dont look too gewd u gonna change it ?

ok poster.. the sky is the limit's! limits' hahahaha (ahem)
anyway's build your fan or dirt however you want. unfortuanately the only way to know is if you mess up or not. your question is slightly confusing... when they are small you just bend them over.because they are young and tender. your plant seems to be the right height. im gonna tell you. a hole in the pot on the side near the brim using the plastic coated paper clips are best. kite string or something similar will cut the stem as it grows and will grow into the stem.. if you arent careful you can break the stem .either because you waited too late or you were too rough. but my stars if you do.. just use some clone x or wrap it up in some joint papers piece it back together. it will heal or ("maybe") get a new shoot out of the crack if you leave it. i think string is best because you can adjust the tension just don't leave the string on one spot no more then 3-4 weeks. or just bend the main stalk over to the edge of the pot. and use your head don't panic! bend the main stalk down to one side, and paper clip or tie the split tops down on each side like the letter T (shrug*). when you ghet additional branching you could lst them too,but i don't see any use in that..IF your gonna wanna flower before that.. but up to you. and yes... you can lst them too! more plant,more branches,more roots, more BUD! and yes, good luck!!!.


Active Member
WHY IZ DER A FAN OUTSIDE!? yer soil dont look too gewd u gonna change it ?
the fan is just to keep air flow i know mold is not a issue yet but i need circulation
it gets hot in their....
ok so what do u think is worng with my soil...
40%mushroom compost
40%my natural soil which can sustain life on its own iv added perlight worm castings happy frog soil in the past so it is fine all on its own
5%dolomite lime
i can assure you that my soil will be just fine


Active Member

ok poster.. the sky is the limit's! limits' hahahaha (ahem)
anyway's build your fan or dirt however you want. unfortuanately the only way to know is if you mess up or not. your question is slightly confusing... when they are small you just bend them over.because they are young and tender. your plant seems to be the right height. im gonna tell you. a hole in the pot on the side near the brim using the plastic coated paper clips are best. kite string or something similar will cut the stem as it grows and will grow into the stem.. if you arent careful you can break the stem .either because you waited too late or you were too rough. but my stars if you do.. just use some clone x or wrap it up in some joint papers piece it back together. it will heal or ("maybe") get a new shoot out of the crack if you leave it. i think string is best because you can adjust the tension just don't leave the string on one spot no more then 3-4 weeks. or just bend the main stalk over to the edge of the pot. and use your head don't panic! bend the main stalk down to one side, and paper clip or tie the split tops down on each side like the letter T (shrug*). when you ghet additional branching you could lst them too,but i don't see any use in that..IF your gonna wanna flower before that.. but up to you. and yes... you can lst them too! more plant,more branches,more roots, more BUD! and yes, good luck!!!.
thx for words mang i have found a nice bamboo patch in my river bed my boys and i harvested about 75 pieces and i use them as anchor's with hemp string .... i will take pictures today so you can see what i have done they are in the ground and im going to tie them all


Active Member
Lol nice mix Keef rep+. Yeah the fan promotes oxygen flow which is 100% necessary for marijuana to grow. The stomata are microscopic pores on the underside of the leaves that determine the plants CO2 and oxygen flow. The more fresh, moving air, the better.

+ WitchDoctor +

Well-Known Member
Those plants look great. I just did the same kinda thing with my indoor for the first time, FIMing early and then LSTing all the longer branches to the bottom ring of the tomato cage.
2012-06-05 15.26.07.jpg

+ WitchDoctor +

Well-Known Member
Definitely. I just FIM a few days after I replant the clones into 1 gal pots, and then LST the branches after they grow for another week or two.

I'm trying to imagine LSTing a plant indoors from from February to May and then planting it outdoors. Jeez. I see it in my future lol.