Low stress training is my favourite method of training by far accompanied by super cropping works beautifully theres no need to top more than once when LST is done properly heres a little example I'd say I've created 50 to 80 new budsites
Some pics from my journal
5 days ago
Man what 5 days will do. What lights are you using?lst is by far the way to go! I’m taking a stab at it with one of the babies going right now. Waiting a bit longer to top the first time, tho so I can clone I have already started to tie it down.
Its a hlg 320xl quantum board its performing well I'm impressed here's a picture of the light I'tll yield roughly like a 600 w hps without the heat and half the electricity
And it's no gimmick either I'm truly converted just wish I could afford another 11 lol
I use LST and topping ( sometimes FIM) along with a Scrog setup. Because why not. LST'ing cost nothing and is clearly beneficial for bud sites and bud quantity. Using Scrog cost next to nothing to implement and certainly won't hurt your crop. It aids in spacing your crop out and supporting heavy bud sites and helps to also create new bud sites. In my mind, LST and Scroging are like BFFs and go great together like peanut butter and jelly.
Sorry for the slight blurple color...fight me over it..lol I at least turned off half my lights to cut down on the color. I know people get sensitive over that