lst....need help


Active Member
on a side note i also remember reading that lst- when bending them releases harmones thru-out the stalk no?
I think you are refering to super cropping. I will link to the apropriate article ( i've super cropped and got like 5 new colas and the plant is short ( under 1.5 ft ). Ok it took me a while to find this tutorial It's genius.
Also, i might be wrong and lst-ing might release hormones too .
does lst really strengthen the stem that much?
lst-ing and super cropping ? i don't really think THAT strenghtens the stem. A fan blowing directly on the plant does ... mine is as thick as AA battery ( and my fand was set in only one position, it did not wave around the growroom- a normal pc case fan )
i've been taking care of my mom; she broke her fibia
I am sorry for your mom, hope she gets well soon.
ive just noticed that 3 of them have shown their sex - all female ;p
hopefully with 2 m high box and mostly indica with longer veg cycle ill be fine

the stems are really hard and woody :/ ill try with more delicate and flexible tops probably, cant be brutal ;p
on this matter i can only say a few things ( as you can see on this forum, i am a new grower too, but i fell in love with this and i've read a lost and did plenty to my plant- this does not mean i am an authority on the matter or that anything i say/do is good )
First thing, VEG IT AS LONG AS POSSIBLE IF YOU HAVE THE SPACE ... I had a small-ass growbox and had to flower it earlier ( since then i build something beter under my desk ). Now i regret very much i didn't leave it 2 more week to be BIGGER. Some people veg it for 2-3 months( wtf i did mine 5 weeks )
Second, don't try to bend it from the base or middle, tie something at the second last node and pull it gently( by gently i mean VERY gently- if you say it's so woody ) till you feel the strenghts necesary to bend it is bigger ( when it's harder to bend, stop - not too good with this english thingy ).
For your next grow you can research ScrOG method ( screen of green ). I wanted to try it but i considered it too advanced for a noob so i've decided first grow will be LST and supercropping only.
hmm and there you go...probably my ideas about double topping in a very short period of time might be worth of re-thinking

so you say that Lst might be more effective ? Its a low stress training as a name says so maybe i schould stick to it then?
do you think that doing LST now and giving 2 weeks of rest before flowering seem to be enough for plants? thanks schroudel
I'm not saying LST is more effective, i'm saying common sense dictates to me that if you cut something from the plant you hurt it and it will react someway. And also you cut away something she used energy to build, setting it back a bit. I've read about double topping, but those guys veg the plant for centuries( to be read 8-9 weeks ). In that long of a period, 2 cut leaves won't really matter.
Then my plants are 34 days in veg cycle now, and all of them where topped about 13 days ago .What do you think if i top them once again now, and
then let them switch into flower cycle in 2 weeks as that would be the right time to let them heal the wounds after second topping.Then after switching give them additional Lst.
Oh, you have multiple plants, this changes everything. I say top some of them, and leave the others like they are ( atleast one ) compare the results and then you will know the right answer. Toping and LSTíng won't give you THAT much of a different result ( i mean one having 50% more usable bud than the other, so your loss will be at a minimum and you will have learned plenty from your experience )
Also, i can't see why you can't top and LST at the same time... :D

Good luck

P.S. Congrats on the female plants :D


Active Member
You don't need to bend it at 90 degrees in the first try ... first string a little bit, wait 3 days to make sure it grew and got used to the weird position then tie another string a node up and bend it again and so on ... you will notice that after about 12 hours max of modifying it's position it will start to bend itself upward tward the lights again ...
If you are gentle, you won't break, also i've read somewhere on this forum( not in the mood to search the topic cause i forgot what was the thread about ) that even in you break the stem ( not break it in 2 pieces lol, but crack it a bit ) you can tie something to keep the plant in place and just ductape the crack to seal it and the plant will miraculously heal ( i;m sure that will take its toll on the final outcome though )
But you it won't come to that if you're not brutal :D
I hope you manage it and grow tons

@Shakti, your plant is so beautiful, i love it
Yup, duct tape will work, and its not miraculous...ItS just plant mechanics. No, you don't have to bend at 90 degrees, its just preferred.while being gentle, is always a good thing, some strains can take a beating better than others...some strains may even like a little roughhousing...


New Member
STRUDEL, U DO KNOW THAT A DEF. REP. (STAR=*) , WOW....u actually took the time to help me and went to such measures as to write a thesis..LOL, MUCH APPRECIATED!!!

u embody what i speak of when i started my appreciation fact im gonna paste and copy ur posts as an example of the good folks here at RIU!

best wishes.....joey


Well-Known Member
Hey joey got any more questions on lst'ing pm me buddy
strudel, u do know that a def. Rep. (star=*) , wow....u actually took the time to help me and went to such measures as to write a, much appreciated!!!

u embody what i speak of when i started my appreciation fact im gonna paste and copy ur posts as an example of the good folks here at riu!

best wishes.....joey