LST or no?


Active Member
I tied down my main branches but not the stem. Is this still LST?
First grow just trying to learn more info.
Will be taking cuttings soon to try to clone first time too.
I'm bout 6 weeks in how do they look?


Active Member
i did something similar. I hadn't heard about LST until I was 4 weeks into veg so I tied down most and continued to increase the tension once in a while to keep her open. I guess more than anything i'm trying to keep a fair amount of light going down through and semi aggresivly cut lower stuff off. I have less square footage than I do height so i am thinking taller plants with supplemental light lower down to maximize my space available. looks like you have no limits on space. looks good.


Well-Known Member
lst just stands for low stress training so yes technically you are. good for air flow but just remember those branches are guna have to hold some buds so may need support later on.


Well-Known Member
you dont need to i dont think.. i like the boxes you made too they are pretty awesome and the plants look great... how much space you workin with.. height and how tall now


Active Member
same w. me. hadnt heard of it til now ran outside tied em all down hoping for more sun in those tight ares around stem. i already see accelerated inner growth after 1 day. wasnt really sure if its LST tho. i have a pretty good amt. of space out and up but need to leave room for flower.


Active Member
8 ft is my roof n the tallest plant, deadhead og, is bout 5 ft (includn box/bucket). TBH im super impressed w. myself for my 1st grow so i hope i can only continue to exceed my own expectations come harvest and oncoming seasons. in the next few weeks i wana take my 1st cuttings attempt to clone 1 of each n flower them with their mothers. im extremely excited.


Well-Known Member
Ditto, the reason to slt is to keep the plant low so as to use as much light as possible, doesn't matter wether you do it to the branches or the main stem. And yes I agree, thay are nice looking plants....grow on my friend.


Active Member
damn steve those r thick as fuck i hope mine get half ur size bro this bein my 1st grow i dint expect to make it with but a couple plants and maybe a few ozs.


Well-Known Member
LST I believe is designed to maximize yield in confined spaces making it a favored method for indoor growers with tents, or otherwise restrictions on height. Done correctly, you would tie down both the main stem, then the offshoots as well and eventually bringing up colas from the main stem as evenly as possible to try to get a relative same amount of light to all of the tops it produces. It tends to yield more of the longer cigar shaped buds than the standard round nuggets when growing straight up. Its a great method for indoor growers and all I do since I'm stuck indoors, but if you have no kind of restrictions and you can grow 10 ft plants outdoors or even high ceilings and 1000 watt indoors then just grow them bitches straight up and just crop it as needed to bush it out some.
Happy growing and nice looking plants here

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Well-Known Member
My first time over at the gfs house, I have been tying just about everything down to the outside and have at least 15 upward moving branches that will no doubt be colas. It is working perfect for me so far and plant is not showing any signs of stress, no yellowing nothing. It keeps it low and very bushy and I am pumped about it. Dont know, unless something bad happens, if i will ever just grow one straight up again.