lst pic help droop

uhm uhh wut?

Active Member
IMG397.jpg the plant had slow growing branches so i tied her over away from where i was standing, u can see the new nodes growing towards the camera, which is good. but why is it drooping?

uhm uhh wut?

Active Member
are you sure man, you can see the side of the hole closest to me is still dark n wet, it is wet a cm under the soil.. the pic is also before the sun hit it, i will go take another and upload it


Well-Known Member
Is it being overwatered? Really it looks fine to me. If that is a picture of it in the morning, that is normal. The plant will stiffen up as the sun rises, she is asleep....

uhm uhh wut?

Active Member
IMG400.jpgIMG402.jpgIMG403.jpgIMG404.jpg so pic 3 and 4 are of the plant that i am talking about here. as you can see it is the afternoon now here 3 oclock.. its still drooping, i watered it about 2 or 3 litres.. its purple kush. and pic 4 it looked like its leaning that is the way i tied it to expose the branches to the early morning sun, from 10 till 4 this baby gets sun. wish she was bigger.. pic 1 and 2 are of my other pk that had been munched at the stem so it grew to tops and this is where its at lol. not drooping like the other one, and its in the same spot 10 feet away..
that first plant looks great is it under the same conditions all around as the wilting one? different strains?maybe its too much water, my plants always droop for about about 30+ hours or more after a good flush and water, second day after water they always seem to perk up. did u just transplant to "sunshine mix"?


Well-Known Member
How long you had her in the ground?

EDIT: Whoops you replied right before i posted lol.

They all getting the same amount of nutrients? and could it be that the ground underneath where you filled in isn't draining properly?

uhm uhh wut?

Active Member
im not sure man, i fed this one some bloom nutes.. that could be why but i doubt it. i used a half tsp of the following: gh flora series(micro,gro,bloom) and floraicious bloom. <- half tsp aswell. after i typed this i realized i fed both of them actually because the one is so light green i wanted to make it darker.. hmm


Well-Known Member
Well in the first picture in the morning you took, she looks REALLY dark green, but the ones in the sunlight seem a tiny bit lighter. Could be you are overdoing it on the would make the leaves appear to be extremely dark green and would cause the stems and leaf petioles to become weak/droop like you are experiencing. I am not at all familiar with Sunshine mix as we don't have that brand where I live. Is that a prefertilized mix ?

Ah I went back and read your first post. Nitrogen overdose would also cause the plant to uptake water slower than usual as well as cause the plant to grow slower than usual. And are the leaves waxy looking? They look that way from the first picture

If I were in your position, I would get a nice spray bottle and mist that plant about an hour or two before the sun rises. This will help her leech out some nitrogen. Just be sure not to do this once flowering starts, as it could promote mold to mist the plant. I wouldn't advise flushing out the soil with a lot of water unless you are sure that it will drain and not create a miniature pond, lol.

Your other plants are the perfect color that you should shoot for.


Well-Known Member
Doesn't matter if your soil is wet on really hot days.......My soil is soaked sometimes and my plants want more water because it is transpiring faster than it can replenish it. Sometimes I even have to water 2 times a day.

uhm uhh wut?

Active Member
i gave her around 3 liters lasst time, should i give her a gallon like a full milk jug each time? i did just under a full one last time, and most of the time that's what i aim for.