LST-Tie down ??


Well-Known Member
I am attempting LST this grow and have a question. To make sure the small twine I am using doesnt cut the plant I tore up an old t-shirt and used a small section to wrap around the plant before the tie down.

The first string was to secure the main stem at the bottom and then I took the top and started bending it then a loose but secure knot.

Does this sound ok?


Well-Known Member
kite line....the rolls of twistie ties u can cut to tools reason to wrap the stem...if ur worried about the string cutting the plant you must be lst'ing way to hard....the string at the base of the stem is a great idea...if your roots arent well established you'll yank her(hope its a her)right outta the far so good.


Well-Known Member
I just hang a bungee cord on the top. I have 3 different sizes so I start small and work my way up. I use the ones the truckers use the black ones with the large hooks. Paid 7$ for 10.



Well-Known Member
thats new to me...i like it.....u just hook the bungee and let the weight pull it over?????? or do u hook the other end to the bucket???


Active Member
You can lay chicken wire down near the base of your plants to do a modified LST / Scrog. The idea is that you can use wire bent into C or S shapes to hook the plant stems to the screen that's near the base of your plants. It allows you a lot of flexibility.


Active Member
Here is a view of the low scrog setup with six small plants put into flower immediately from clone transplanting.


Here is a close up of the C shaped hooks that hold the plants down to that screen. This is just stainless steel wire that you can buy at Home Depot. It's pretty easy to make a few hundred of these while watching TV :P

LST Scrog.jpg

It's low stress and a lot less work than the usual scrogging methods. That said, I can't offer any data as to yield of this versus scrog. Still, it's incredibly effective at keeping the height low, which is essential to any cabinet grow.


Well-Known Member
I let the weight of the bungee do the job thats why the different sizes. Some time it takes a big one some times a 2 small. The black one the truckers use are heavy, coloured ones work ok but you need more of them.


There great for hanging fans so they don't transmit vibes, just put a eye bolt in a celing joist and hang fan with bungee. no noise!!

The black one will last 10 years the coloured ones maybe 2, the strand rubber breaks down.


single pieces of cat5e wire work great for lst'ing. buy 10 feet at home depot and get 80 feet of wire. use washer or fishing weights to hang off branches. also screw in cable clips attached to buckets give you multiple tie down points. all that said......use a screen.