LST - Too late?


Well-Known Member
My plant is about 2 months old - would LST benefit me at this point and what steps should I take to use this method?

Input plz!


Well-Known Member
oh man...GO FOR IT.... I love lst its so fun because you bend it over and your like fuck what the fuck am I doing to my lovlies but then after two days all the leaves are upright its gone through a GROWTH EXPLOSION and its all low and bushy lookin, Its never too late to do lst or even just tie down. A lot of people tie down plants when they get too tall during budding. Be gentle dont uproot it or cause any creases on the stem bend it as far as you can get it (or are comfortable with) and let it grow for a few days a week - bend it over again - work it in a circle, try to have a plan. I found with LST if you just pin down growth where ever as it springs up, yeah you'll have a nice bushy plant but It will be a pain to work with because of all the thick inner growth and stems crossing, it gets confusing, theres one in the FAQs that is illustrated he shows how he worked it in a circle, I decided to go with this method, and pruning and further LST becomes easier when its managed in a circle rather than just random pinning. any other help with LST I can help you out bro. shoot me a PM or a just go to the FAQs and look for LOW STRESS TRAINING, i beleive its under advanced grow methods....peace.


Well-Known Member
and DUDE if your growing outside, your plant is gonna BLOW UP!!! and I mean in a good way...start LST and you'll see all those little growths that are shaded by the fan leaves are suddenly exposed to light and guess what???? they swwellllll. Great way to up yield and lower profile.


Well-Known Member
yepp i agree with the above ,, just take it easy , dont bend them tooo much , little by little , be careful not to break ur babies .. .. i would start a lst at about 7 inchs tall , , but its still ok for you to go for it ,, ... since u have a taller plant , ( more than 1 foot tall) ,, it will be good if you water first , let sit for an hour or two , water again , & then do your lst .. that way the babies will be more flexible & not snap as easily ............ happy growing :)~


Well-Known Member
thank you for all the advice!

I'm going to read into LST a bit more so i have a better understanding on the actual procedure...

I want to bend them down closer to the ground and out farther so the sunlight hits these leaves and they grow much quicker?

What are some easily accessible items i can use to rig the branches? thread?

How will i tie it down to the pot / dirt?

thx :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I use vinyl coated paperclips (metal ones burn your plant) but I started when it was about 7in so It was easy to bend it and put a paper clip over it and push it into the dirt.....I think when you start and its larger this method isn't really possible because the paper clips haven't been there holding it down, so you'll need to tie it with butchers thread or think something up....if you get really stumped, take your pics and start a thread about "what should I use to start lst on my plant" its any easy question so I'm sure you'll get a lot of different answers to help you out....oh now after I wrote ALL THAT, I see that you have a lip on your PLASTIC planter...should be easy for you. I used TERRA COTTA pots to start so I couldn't drill and there was no lip to hook anything. Look on the FAQs one of the links under the link I sent up above shows a guy doing lst on larger plants...He uses some special electric wiring that is copper with a plastic coating. so he can bend the wire and it gives but it still stays solid...


Well-Known Member
miss mandy, your one hot bitch!!! too bad you have a dong....
a dong..??? LMFAO , umm ok ....

anyways i would just use pipe cleaners , make sure to not wrap them way to tight around the stems ... then tie frishing string from the pipe cleaner to a steak in the ground ,, there is a million different ways to do it ,,


Well-Known Member
I tied and bent over one of my master kush plants 3.5 months old and 4 ft tall about a week ago, I started just a little and gradually over the week got it tied down at about a 60 degree angle, its already showing tremendous bottom growth, the bottom shoots are getting sun and growing up, by the time harvest, it will have a much bigger yield,. I plan on doing this to the rest of them. I will get a pic
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Well-Known Member
ok - i'm about to upload some pics also.

I didn't plant on LSTing the whole plant from the main stem but rather tieing down the lower branches so they grow outward then upward?

Or do I have to LST the main stalk?

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Well-Known Member
I just used some fly fishing line, its thicker then regular fishing line and has some sort of plastic coating on it, I tied it around the main stalk about 12 inches down and then to the fence. or you could use a stake in the ground or a branch from a nearby tree or bush,, anyway to make it work.


Active Member
you can tie the seperate branches since your plant is pretty big already, in your case the best thing to use would be fishing line or pipe cleaner like miss mandy said, if you decide to use fishing line dont actually tie it around the plant just loop it because when it starts to grow it can cut into the stem, just check out my baby i started lst when it was about half the size of yours, since these pics i have transplanted and its nearly doubled in size



Well-Known Member
nice so i should just put some downward stress onto the lower / middle branches so they grow out and up?

what are some household items i could use to do that? I dont have pipe cleaner lol