LST too stressful?


Well-Known Member
Every time I LST I get a male. Anyone else get this? Or am I just cursed not to have a mother plant?
No cause I sex them or wait until they sex themselves before I do any lst. No sense in doing any serious work on the plant if it is male. Try that.


Well-Known Member
i do LST in my two grows before because i have space limit.i do this after 3-leafset and every thing going great.have 50-50% f/m ratio.maybe you have stressed your plants in other way.heat,light?


think you just had some bad luck man, but i agree with wax, why put that much effort into it that soon, but i kinda understand, male or female, you still love your babies. you could also sex them young, weed out the males, and reveg. while lst-ing.


Well-Known Member
think you just had some bad luck man, but i agree with wax, why put that much effort into it that soon, but i kinda understand, male or female, you still love your babies. you could also sex them young, weed out the males, and reveg. while lst-ing.
Man, I'm scared of revegging, STRESS STRESS STRESS!


you will already know the sex, so you dont have to worry about stress effecting the sex of the plant.


Well-Known Member
I think you might be a bit too worried bout stress. Weed plants from my experience can handle more than you think. I once had a plant that started with a normal light bulb for the entire first month of it's life! It was so lanky it could have touched the moon. I got it under correct conditions and it turned around and turned female by month 2. I think you might just be unlucky with this. If you think you have alot worse luck than others, buck up and order fem seeds or find a person you know with a fem plant and take cuttings.


Well-Known Member
Ok, I'm really shocked. Its not a male, its a hermy. Strange thing is, the bottum half of the plant has male/female flowers. The top of the plant is all female, no signs of male plant at all!