LST training stakes? What are you using?

I drill holes on the side of the pot to tie these onto.

Green coated plant ties and binder clips from staples , work very well for me.

And premium low stress training clips from Etsy , as they have a spot to attach a tow rope.
Yeah I used to use the green rubber coated garden wire, with the office clips attached to the pot rim. Works nice, but I find the stakes are much faster to install, easier to adjust, and much faster to remove - especially if you have a lot of plants. Was just wondering if someone made stakes specifically for plant training, as the landscape staples are a bit wider than they need to be.
Green floral wire. Think it is .23 gauge. Drilled holes around rim. Allows for a lot of manipulation and placement. Holds strong. Use it also in tent to place fans, scrubbers etc Looks like a circus tent but it works lol
I use that green soft coated wire. Then use heavy paper clamp things. I clamp to the pot with the wire in the clamp. Easy to adjust too. Squeeze the clip and adjust the wire.
I’ll try to find a pic.
I usually use paper string. Easy to tie and untie, reusable and cheap. I tie one string around the pot for tying off the lst strings.
I was making LST training stakes out of coat hangers, but I need quantity now. Probably gonna snag these in 6" and 12":

Landscape Staples

What else is out there?

I use something very similar for the stems. I have pots with a lipped edge, so I use rubber coated garden wire to make hooked hold downs for when they get to the edge of the pot.
You can even bend the plants without any strings or anything. Just break the stem where you want it to bend and move the branch where you want it to be... It isn't low stress training at that point, but the plants will not mind really.