Lst, wat must that be?

harlem ave

Active Member
I know it involves bending a plant but. does that meen i can grow a plant in like a 1.5ft height but like 5feet long under my bed??


Well-Known Member
You will need more then 1 1/2 feet you have to take into account pot size and light fixtures, plus room for your colas to grow upwards.


Well-Known Member
not really, LST is about forcing a plant to grow the way you want it to grow and limiting its total height it gone reach, but it still gone go vertical mainly.

but if i think a bit, you could try to force it grow the way you described, would take a lot tying:lol:

harlem ave

Active Member
but will it still grow right? doesnt the light have to be 6' away from plants. i can still use tin foil around it.


Well-Known Member
Dude theres a really good article on it somewhere on here i was reading.... BAsically what you do is let the plant grow until the top flor seperates from the nodes.... Cut the nodes and tie the top flower over bending it almost ontop of itself. Let it grow straight up again.. Repeate this process continuing it all the way arounf the pot and into the middle of the pot until you reach the center... The design should look similar to one of those swirly things that spin to hypmotize people or however u spell that lol.


Well-Known Member
I didn't say the plant couldn't grow in that space but you have to have it in a pot or something and you have to have lights. So you have to take everything into consideration.

harlem ave

Active Member
alright i understand, thanks. im gonna try that!! haha, gonna need to find out ventilation on that. sounds tricky! $_$


Well-Known Member
Secure zip ties to your pot rim and around the plant stalk or branches. Each day, tighten the zip ties a little bit. You can get your plants to do some pretty amazing things.


Well-Known Member
Secure zip ties to your pot rim and around the plant stalk or branches. Each day, tighten the zip ties a little bit. You can get your plants to do some pretty amazing things.
same thing can be done with wires for less money and is easier to revers if going into the wrong direction. so go with wire rather then zip ties even if those things aren't bad. but you simply can more stuff with wire then with those is possible;)