LST while in 12/12

Guitar guy

Active Member
Just found out I'm moving in a couple of months so I am going to have to flip my plants to 12/12 starting today. They are only a week old and I was planning on doing some LST before switching but I have no choice right now. Would it be too stressful to LST my plants in 12/12 for a couple of weeks? I LST'd the top cola of my last plant and it didn't seem to hurt it. This was at approximately week six


No, it won't be too stressful - I've LSTed my scrogs two, sometimes three, even four weeks into flower so that they could be in an appropriate position for efficient lighting, and they respond vigorously. And I've helped supercrop main colas in late bloom, probably like you had to, and they never seem to care. If any plant is going to need whatever kind of adjusting at all, just try to do it sooner than later.

Guitar guy

Active Member
Will do. Thanks for the input and personal experience. Guess ill be transplanting tomorrow. Hope I can finish before we move


Well-Known Member
Hey guitar guy. I like to screw around with my plants for the first few weeks of flowering sometimes and from my experience with what you're talking about there usually is a small window of time you can LST the plant, usually lasting the initial stretch, though genetics also plays a part in how long you can LST in flower.

A good easy way to create a bunch of tops is to wait till the plant is tall enough to pull over to the side of your container and affix it there. And I mean pull the little lady over till she's almost parallel to your grow medium with the top dangling over the side, (you didn't say so I'm assuming you're using soil). You'll notice after a day or two the plant start to re-orient itself and some time later you'll see where the tops are going to start to form. You may even get a chance to LST the top once or twice. The only things to watch for is mold/fungus in high humidity from not having good air flow beneath the main branch, making sure you have good root growth to begin with and realizing this will most likely increase your grow time. And you'll get better results with this from sativas than indicas from what I've seen.

Then again, some plants will flip right into flower when they're very young and they're roots aren't fully developed so you never know. Take Care and Happy Growing!


Well-Known Member
How many plants do u have? Is it a move that will take u more than one day so u can't set it up at ur new place? Or just no room, I know how that feels I just went from growing in a nice big ass garage to this lil 2'x2' closet. But I only had a couple plants so I tossed em in a big ass trash bad pot and all so no one could see it and carried em into my new place


Active Member
I vegged mine for 2 weeks and had no choice but to lst when in flower as they started to outgrow my box. did a few lst till they stopped growing in height.

Guitar guy

Active Member
Cool guys thanks for the replies. I'm not sure when exactly I'm moving or how long it will take. I have my plants in a cab that is about 1.5' x 1.5' x 3.5' so I don't really have much room in there. I have two plants, one is a bag seed though so it could turn out being male and ill be down to one. The other is white widow from Nirvana. I will cut early if I have to, I just want to LST so I can maximize my yield, even if I have to chop early.

I will start LST once I re pot the plants tomorrow