lst'd plant growing sloooooooow!


Well-Known Member
Learn to read AND grow! All on the same forum! Lol.... You! I Never said my plant grew like that in 5 days!
If I planted in early Oct and its now Nov.... How in the FUCK is that 5 days! Take the patch off your eye and READ. And then respond! Thank you!
You're as stupid as they come. Get your head checked.

I planted the seeds Nov 8th and about 12 days above dirt
It has been this same size for about 7 days!
I will upload the pics from Oct 13th!!!
Entire grow. Oct 29th-today..


Well-Known Member
Learn to read AND grow! All on the same forum! Lol.... You! I Never said my plant grew like that in 5 days!
If I planted in early Oct and its now Nov.... How in the FUCK is that 5 days! Take the patch off your eye and READ. And then respond! Thank you!
We're just kinda buffaloed, because you say you planted, then 12 days, then 7 days, but you never really gave an age of the plants.
Don't get all defensive, we're trying to help, but we need an accurate time line upon which to base our opinion of 'is it, or is it not' slow growing.
To be honest, I don't remember seeing anything about months, but we're not trying to be assholes about it.
Your plants look fine, and if there was a problem that was visible, somebody would mention it.
Except for the one top stem on the one plant, they look fine, the one stem is kinda lanky, but just let it be.


Well-Known Member
We're just kinda buffaloed, because you say you planted, then 12 days, then 7 days, but you never really gave an age of the plants.
Don't get all defensive, we're trying to help, but we need an accurate time line upon which to base our opinion of 'is it, or is it not' slow growing.
To be honest, I don't remember seeing anything about months, but we're not trying to be assholes about it.
Your plants look fine, and if there was a problem that was visible, somebody would mention it.
Except for the one top stem on the one plant, they look fine, the one stem is kinda lanky, but just let it be.
so what, that has nothing to do with what he asked for. Some times its better to just bite your tongue.

Avon lee

Active Member
Right! And once I Re-read it I stated everything fron OCT... Its practically fuckin obvious that a plant wont grow that fast in 5 days. Thats why I clearly said OCT-NOW!!!!


Well-Known Member
so what, that has nothing to do with what he asked for. Some times its better to just bite your tongue.
That's not possible when 3 different ages have been given. The question was about slow growth but the age
is still unknown. I give up. I think he was just looking for compliments.


Well-Known Member
Right! And once I Re-read it I stated everything fron OCT... Its practically fuckin obvious that a plant wont grow that fast in 5 days. Thats why I clearly said OCT-NOW!!!!
It is obvious that it won't grow that fast in 5 days yes, so you gave another age, and then another age leaving me wondering how old the thing really is.

That's your fuckup, not mine so dont be telling me to learn how to read.

Avon lee

Active Member
That is my question. If I made an error in dates on my first post than MY BAD!!!
I do not want compliments, I WANT HELP ON MY PLANTS! The only valid compliment I can obtain from growing my own marijuana is if you smoke it with me and tell me how good it is. A compliment in a forum is obsolete to me. Day 34!


Well-Known Member
Calm down, who gives a shit? its growing be happy.

taller, or bushier? really? everyone knows that depends on how you grow it. or was that a secret?


Well-Known Member
No one can honestly tell you accurately how tall or bushy a plant 'should be' at any given age, many factors contribute to this, if you haven't figured that out yet.
Lighting, temps, feeding, genetics, strain, pot size, soil conditions, all these things come into play.
What you are asking is like asking 'Is my kid short for being in the fifth grade?'

Avon lee

Active Member
You May be right.... But is there not a ”typical” height for a 5th grader?
I just asked was lst'ing causing my plant to have slowed growth. Didnt mean to alert ze Germans!!!


Well-Known Member
Some angry botanist in the world! Lololol
Here's from your original post.............

  • [h=2]
    lst'd plant growing sloooooooow![/h]

    I planted the seeds Nov 8th and about 12 days above dirt on a 24hr lighting, I LST'd both of them. My problem is that one of them is moving slow to me. Is the bending/tying down stressing the plant to slow growth down???? Please let me know! It has been this same size for about 7 days!​
    Attached Thumbnails

Nowhere do I see the word "October", and so far, nobody here is "angry", and basically everybody here has said your plant is doing fine, so if that's not good enough, I don't know what to tell you, except maybe come back and look at this thread later when you're not 'high and hungry', and kick yourself in the ass.:mrgreen:

Avon lee

Active Member
Im always high. Lol.. And yea I did fuck up but I corrected it! Geesh!!!!
Thanx for the help though.... I guess.


Well-Known Member
this thread is funny really tho that plant is stretched thats why it is so tall get a fan on it and move the lights close either that or get more