LTB: mobious, toro, leisure/luke wilson, peyote pillar


Active Member
Hey guys, as title says I'm trying to step my collection up from just the standard illadelph and sheldon to a new personal piece. im really interested in a wilson or mobious bubbler, but ive also been hunting down a peyote pillar perc (prefer hollow foot but i dont care) also a toro mini would fit my fancy. hit me up pm or here if you think you have something i might be intetested in.


Active Member
bumpa! has to be at least one friend on here that has some glass to spare? is BM really a hot spot?


Well-Known Member
apparently BM is totally worth the 50$. I've yet to fork out the money for it though. I just don't see myself buying enough glass to make it worth it...


Active Member
ya, thats my thinking as well... i hear its good, but im just wanting 1 piece. and used most the pieces im looking for sell for more used thsn retail. i need to just find a way to put in a order right at the source..... good luck right? haha


Active Member
BM!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's been getting slower recently but if your looking for any of that for WAY BELOW RETAIL then spend the $50 and read the rules before running around the site, you wouldn't want to get yourself banned.