Lucas Formula users...


Well-Known Member
Been doing some more reading after googling "Ask Lucas" and got through most the thread. I understand and agree with his methods 100%, but I do have a question.

Say I have rooted clones with a hardy root system that are around 2 weeks old, can these go directly into a system running a 1300ppm which is the target ppm of his formula? From what I have read, I think he says yes as long as they are under HID lighting and not fluorescents.

I know from experience you can put healthy clones under a 1K HPS/MH as long as the root structure is very hardy and you don't have the lights too close, with little or no stress to the plants. But I've only done this in soil and not an aeroponic system (which I plan on using) with a nutrient solution @ 1300ppm. Seems like it would burn the hell out of clones, but like I said he obviously knows what he's talking about.

Has anyone tried or have an opinion on this? Or how about explaining how you can use such a high ppm with adequate HID lighting, how does it work in conjunction with one another?

Lol, hope no one is confused.


Well-Known Member
You should be ok, if i clone has been rooted for 2 weeks its roots should be mature enough for full strength, once the roots are big the plants is as mature as the mom so needs the same things. The HID part is based on plants growing faster under HID so they need a little more nutes than cfl, i dont know if you saw it but there is a different formula for cfl altogether, hope that helps. If you are scared about burning just start your first dose lower and look for deficiencies
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Well-Known Member
Just saw that you responded to this, thanks for your response. I'll be trying it in about a week. Sent you +rep.


New Member
usually for aero you mix a lower strength solution, you don't need as much in there. it probably won't burn the hell out of them but its probably overkill start with like 900. also 1300 is the target based on the .70 conversion